problem with this forum.


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
this problem doesnt need to be fixed but im really wondering whats happening.:o
i can post in all the other forums except the suggestion boxcar forums.
why i post it shows up but when i exit out of that thread back into the thread selection screen it show the person who lasted posted before me and my post is gone.:mad:
i dont mind if this is not fixed i can still view it but why cant i post in that part of the forum?:confused:
thanks guys!
That forum is a "moderated" forum. Your posts will not appear until approved my a moderator.

Also note that off topic or posts that generally do not contribute to the discussions will probably not be approved.
hmm does that i can not leave that thread until its been cleared. i tried postin again and i see this guys with a X through his neck waht does that mean its in the thread For Surveyor - Selecting more than a single baseboard.
hmm does that i can not leave that thread until its been cleared. i tried postin again and i see this guys with a X through his neck waht does that mean its in the thread For Surveyor - Selecting more than a single baseboard.

that funny symbol means it is pending moderation, basically somebody hasn't got around to dealing with it yet
hmm does that i can not leave that thread until its been cleared.
It might take some time until a moderator can process it. You're quite free to explore other threads or even log out altogether during this time. Once you've done your bit the rest is handled by the moderator.

I can't post i any of the other sections of this forum and i wrote to the Trainz Help Desk and they said to contact a moderator about it but i have not been able to contact anyone.
Interesting thread. I have done exactly the same thing, in the same thread. I posted two or three times over the last few days and not a one got into the thread. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
