Problem with missing buildings in copy of layout


Well-known member
I have a layout that I modified and saved. I just noticed that the copy is missing some buildings and objects but the original unmodified version of the layout has them in. How do I get the missing objects to show up in the copy of the layout? It's the Reading layout by Roon. I don't want to start over with the unmodified layout since I did alot of work to the copy and added a several mile DEM route extension to it. Help?
Hi rwk,

If this is in 2006 have you committed it, and or have you deleted the assets.tdx file? It is often easier to do a save as rather than copying a layout.

It's 2004, it seems to be a bug that not all the objects loaded into the map. There's a few industrial buildings missing here and there. Is there a way to get them to show up without placing them manually?
Hi rwk,

In 2004 open your TRS2004 folder then open the cache folder and delete the file (world_cache_dispatcher.chump). Restart TRS2004 and allow it to rebuild the chump file. That will recover your buildings if they are still in your dispatcher folder.
