Problem w/ the N&W Y6B


Trainzing Scotsman
I seam to have come across a major issue with this engine. It's engine Spec seems to make the loco go in excess of 140 mph in advanced driving mode.

anyone know why or how this has happened?
When there was an update of the built in Y6B a while back, it made it so that you can change e-specs and whistles and such.
I did.

I imported it initially into T:ANE retail from TS12 and then imported my database into SP1. It shows up fine...

I did have to fix textures using PEVs Images2TGA when I brought it into T:ANE originally so it wasn't a direct import, but I got it to come in.

So far everything works except the interior view which is a mess prior to SP1. Should I wait and hope/pray for SP1 to fix this asset or go back into TS12 and export the asset then install into TANE? I love the Y6b and my reskin of it is critical to my route. It's just too pretty and clean for the L&A :p.

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