Private Message or SPAM

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Trainz Creator since 2001
I recently received a Private Message titled "Want a neat signature? ". It was from a member offering free signatures. Though this was a completely harmless message, I consider it SPAM. This member already has a thread offering Free Signatures which I think should be an adequate presence without having to SPAM. I don't know if I am alone in receiving this message or one of many. (perhaps my sig appears inadequate or amateurish to him) I am not being malicious or 'grumpy' or trolling here. I just don't think this is a good precedent. I don't think this practice should be encouraged. Comments?
I agree with you DM.
I know who you are reffering to, and that sort of Practice, should have been taken elsewhere.
Spam indeed.


Btw, your sig is just fine
I agree with you. I haven't gotten a pm like that yet, but your sig is just fine-this person seems to be going out of his way, though.
David, would you do the Trainz forum community a favour then by telling us who this idiot is please, cos if he/she starts sending stupid PM messages to my box, I will be very bloody angry, I want to know who this is please....

Thank you.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
David, would you do the Trainz forum community a favour then by telling us who this idiot is please, cos if he/she starts sending stupid PM messages to my box, I will be very bloody angry, I want to know who this is please....

Thank you.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

I dont think we should display his name, but do a quick search on the keyword "signatures"

I garantee you will find it:hehe:

I was trying to be nice is all. I didn't mean to upset anyone, Nor did i say your signature sucks.

Sorry dmdrake and lo-poly.
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We now have a misunderstanding

I was trying to be nice is all. I didn't mean to upset anyone, Nor did i say your signature sucks.

Sorry dmdrake and lo-poly.

If it is offensive i will leave, I don't have a problem with it. :(

We now have a misunderstanding, as often happens here on the forum. My statement mentioned nothing about not doing signatures and certainly said nothing about anyone leaving. There are 'tons' of folks that need a sig and can't do it themselves. Having it done for them is the only alternative and providing them with a good looking sig is a very nice service. I have no desire for you, or anyone to leave and I wouldn't wish you to stop making sigs for people. My sole intent was to discuss or at least gain a consensus about using Personal Messaging for solicitation in this regard.


Ah, the young generation of trainzers! No patience at all to see their work praised and appreciated! Sometimes too pushing. The deal over here has always been: Offer, wait and do (if there's something to do) ;) Fortunately there's always something to do... for others and yourself. :hehe:

Alberte :wave:
I dont see why this is a problem. if you dont care, just delete it and move on. just my opinion though

oh, and if you want to ask people if they want sigs, I will be if they do, they will tel you in your thread
Misunderstanding? Nah it's as clear as day.

So saying this, What i'm a village idiot? Yay i could have cancer in my nana and Low an behold i'm a idiot, Boy do i have the warm fuzzys.

im sorry to hear about your grandmother, to be blunt, i dont see what him calling you an idiot and your poor granmother's possible cancer have to do with each other (im sorry if im being insencetive, but i dont think i am, iv lost both a grandmother and a grand father to cancer), and it seem like a bit of 'emotional blackmail', personally if i thought someone was an idiot any illness their friends or family wouldnt change that (sorry to be blunt, not trying ot up set you just dont think it nice to use emotional black mail. i never got or asked for an easy time from the school bully, teacher or exams cos my nan was sick). he wasn't calling you an idiot for the service, i think its more to do with you have a thread and sent a PM to a few people.

with that out of the way, i think what you are offering is great, keep it up. by all means dont leave, no one wants to push anyone away, but on at the same time no one wants to be hassled by (a harmless) PM's that seem like spam.

and once again, im sorry to hear about your grandmother, cant be easy, very scary. i had a scare myself a month ago with a mole on my face, but got the all clear the other week (and im only 18). hope it all come back clear, cant be easy for your or your family.
Before this guy Dowdy retreats to his "Black Hole" could someone tell me what he said!!!
This is a language I'm not aware of. Maybe it was something important he said?
This is a game guys-only a game. We don't need the road rage idiots in here.
Most members are great & are either teachers-helpers-contributors-comediens or students like myself(students of Trainz). A lot of generous people.
It's only a game, but remember the guys in Auran who face a bleak Xmas - it was a business to them & a livelihood.
end of sermon.
Have a great Christmas whatever your circumstances - the New Year always brings new hope.
I often lose patience with the younger members of the community, but lately I've come to realize we are all only trying to "fit in". I received the offer through PM myself, and replied....gently, that I wasn't interested. This young man obviously has a lot of talent, and will someday churn out some great reskins, of that I am certain.

I remember when I was new to the community myself, I remember my first community contributions, and I remember wanting to feel accepted, appreciated, even respected by these other faceless people in this electronic village. I know when the rest of my life was pretty bleak I turned here to get some friendship and some "ego inflation".

I imagine his life is a little bleak right now.

I urge patience.

I often lose patience with the younger members of the community, but lately I've come to realize we are all only trying to "fit in". I received the offer through PM myself, and replied....gently, that I wasn't interested. This young man obviously has a lot of talent, and will someday churn out some great reskins, of that I am certain.

I remember when I was new to the community myself, I remember my first community contributions, and I remember wanting to feel accepted, appreciated, even respected by these other faceless people in this electronic village. I know when the rest of my life was pretty bleak I turned here to get some friendship and some "ego inflation".

I imagine his life is a little bleak right now.

I urge patience.


Thank you.
"Warm fuzzys"

The feeling of good inside. E.G. Giving a homeless man a Place to stay for a day makes you feel good.

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