Possible to erease unkown Kuids from your route via the config.txt of the route?


Well-known member

I want to release my newest version of Electro Island v 3.0. This version will be for Trainz 12 latest build.

In my route there are 2 kuids that are unknown. I've searched for these kuids but cannot find them.

I know that you can search them outside of content manager via sites such as http://www.trainzkuidindex.com
(but now you have to log in on that site to search)

I want to disable the unknown kuids from the Kuidtable in the config.txt of the route.

Is this possible and how?

Do you have to replace the unknown number with: <NULLKUID> and then save the config file?*

*I did this sometimes in the past. However when you open the route in surveyor again then the
unknown kuids are back in the table.

Any help is appreciated

BTW the 2 unknown kuids are:

<kuid2: 3794466:1191331330:99>
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Nobody has or had this problem? BTW I tried NULLKUID. This gives then warnings when validating. Well 2 warnings are good by me as they are not errors. But anyone? :o?
Remove missing assets....... and Save.

Well that is exactly the problems. Because as they are displayed as unknown in Content Manager with very long Kuid names:

<kuid2: 3794466:1191331330:99>

I can not find them so I don't know what these assets are. So I am unable to remove them. If I knew at least what they are then I could type it in the Content Search Filter in Surveyor.
In my route there are 2 kuids that are unknown. I've searched for these kuids but cannot find them.

To delete missing assets in TS12 routes you delete them from the default session. Deleting them from the route in Surveyor won't work (although it should) and editing the config won't work (it's not a supported procedure). You know it has worked when you are asked to unlock the route to allow the edit.
To delete missing assets in TS12 routes you delete them from the default session. Deleting them from the route in Surveyor won't work (although it should) and editing the config won't work (it's not a supported procedure). You know it has worked when you are asked to unlock the route to allow the edit.

Ok. Thanks for the good input. I will look into it soon. So If I get it right then you have to edit the session instead of the route?
Thanks BuilderBob and Claim1952. I was successfully able to delete the unknown assets.:D.
Very happy here.
I just came across a route/session in TANE where the only way I could get rid of two missing assets was by manually removing them from the config file. Using the "delete missing assets" function did not remove these items.

i know what the assets are - 2 built in assets in TS12 which are not builtin TANE. When I transferred over my TS12 route which used these assets into TANE it of course indicated I had missing assets, as it should, and gave me the location as "unknown location". Normally the surveyor remove function handles these fine, but not in this case.

Not sure why it didn't work with these 2 assets since it did remove other missing assets like TS12 speed trees.
Deleting kuid-table entries of maps/sessions doesn't remove the depencies, they are just no longer listed by the content manager. After the next save of the map/session, they magically reappear (they were still listed in one of the other files of the map/session).

When I try to delete missing assets from the surveyor menu I get dumped out if the program and although the computer does not freeze I have to restart Tane and any work not saved manually or automatically is lost. No assets are deleted.