Well guys I have finally been able to get my hands on T;ANE and actually had the time to sit back and enjoy its wonder...
as you can expect I wonted to see how it would run my Port of Brisbane route....
I was impressed...
even with the things that are missing due to them coming from 3rd party sites...
it was beautiful.. but I would like to make some changes to the route to improve it..namely fix the water colour as it is now green like duck weed on a lake..
my biggest issue is that I have experienced a huge PC crash..
now I know this is a big ask but if any of you remember me .. and the route and was involved with the testing or other work on it.. if I sent you the build files.. or if you can tell how I can recreate them from what is on the DLC please I'm up for it..
I would like to make it work in T:ANE in all its splendor
Targanon(aka Chris K)
Author Port of brisbane.
as you can expect I wonted to see how it would run my Port of Brisbane route....
I was impressed...
even with the things that are missing due to them coming from 3rd party sites...
it was beautiful.. but I would like to make some changes to the route to improve it..namely fix the water colour as it is now green like duck weed on a lake..
my biggest issue is that I have experienced a huge PC crash..
now I know this is a big ask but if any of you remember me .. and the route and was involved with the testing or other work on it.. if I sent you the build files.. or if you can tell how I can recreate them from what is on the DLC please I'm up for it..
I would like to make it work in T:ANE in all its splendor
Targanon(aka Chris K)
Author Port of brisbane.