Poll: What version of Trainz are you using?

Which versions of Trainz have you used in the past month?

  • Original Trainz (V1.3 and below)

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • Ultimate Trainz

    Votes: 20 3.9%
  • Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004

    Votes: 218 42.9%
  • Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006

    Votes: 283 55.7%
  • Trainz Driver

    Votes: 4 0.8%
  • Trainz Classics

    Votes: 89 17.5%
  • Trainz German editions (ProTrainPerfect/2007 etc)

    Votes: 96 18.9%
  • Trainz French Editions (2007/2008 etc)

    Votes: 37 7.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 2.8%

  • Total voters
Similar situation to CasyJ.

Upgraded from 04 to 06 but quickly went back to 04. CMP being a necessity is the turn off for me. Now, make it optional like Trainz Objectz and you'll make quite a few folks I know look into purchasing 09.

Just want to make sure that people know that Trainz Objectz was from a 3rd party and not from Auran.
No - people can pick more than one option. If everyone picked only one option, the percentages would add up to 100%. The percentages are valid as they are, and don't need to be "corrected".
Won't do much good to try to explain....some still won't get it...Obviously some haven't participated in multiple choice polls before....:hehe:
It is common for the minority to feel the need to "correct" facts and percentages....it makes them feel less....minor. :p I probably better get back to CMP before the task master lays me back open...:cool:
Ah what a beautiful bit of purposeful misrepresentation. You're exactly the kind of person Mike was talking about - we know what you think. That's the problem with vocal groups that aren't necessarily the majority. Of course you can have an opinion its just that we've heard the same opinion countless times and its getting rather boring of late.

Still that's just another opinion, don't let me stop you being so self-important.
What on Earth are you babbling about? Why do you feel the need, along with Mike, to 2004 bash? Those you criticise for voicing their opinions did so politely, amicably and justified their point of view. Why else than dissatisfaction with 2006 would some remain using 2004? Next time the question is asked 2006 will be bashed for exactly the same reasons as the same problems, bugs, issues are transferred to any subsequent version of Trainz.
Have to say I am a little sick of your superiority complex but hey as you said before I am only 20 and think I know it all so clearly barely count and certainly don't bear listening to.
It's because you appear as if you're preaching to others.
What on Earth are you babbling about? Why do you feel the need, along with Mike, to 2004 bash?

I'm not actually bashing '04 though am I.

I have '04, I used it a lot, developed for it, and used it to help create Hawes Junction for '06.

What I am saying though....... is that we forum members know, Auran knows, and just about everyone who has a passing interest in Trainz knows, that there are some people who feel that '04 is better than '06.

It doesn't have to be mentioned at every single opportunity... THAT is my point.

I'm not actually bashing '04 though am I.

I have '04, I used it a lot, developed for it, and used it to help create Hawes Junction for '06.

What I am saying though....... is that we forum members know, Auran knows, and just about everyone who has a passing interest in Trainz knows, that there are some people who feel that '04 is better than '06.

It doesn't have to be mentioned at every single opportunity... THAT is my point.


TRS2009 is Auran opportunity to make a verision of Trainz that is better than TRS2006 and TRS2004.:wave:
Build routes in 04 Surveyor - I can find what I'm looking for.

Run routes in 06 Driver - it loads faster.

Andy :)

While I virtually always use '06, I do agree that sometimes finding assets in '04 is easier. I sometimes start up '04 just to find a particular asset that I remember from an old '04 layout then go back to '06 to use it in a map...

Actually I don't 04 bash. I accept that 04 is more stable for some people than 06 is, that much is obvious. I stuck with 04 for a long time, remember the 04 resistance? Thing was at the time I and the rest of the people who claimed to be part of that movement tended to avoid bashing 06 over and over again.

Anyway What does get me is that the suggestion that 06 might actually work better for some people (crazy I know) extracts a certain response every time. I don't have a problem with people expressing their discontent politely and reasonably. What I do have a problem is hundreds of people posting the same thing in every thread - we get it! I also have a problem with certain people going around misinterpreting things other people have said and trolling simply because that is all they seem capable of. Strikes me as a little sad.

Oh and the coming across as preaching? That seems to be a side effect of disagreeing with you.... I have a similar view of your attitude.

Oh dear, another promising thread deteriorating... curse of forums I s'pose.

UTC then '04 now '06. Soon:mop: TC3...

Am annoyed that '06 has not cured the vertical scrolling loop in Map Mode. May be me:'(
TC 99%

:) TC only!
Took a while till I found out about the no traffic road problem and recently the optimiser from AMD to stop the shakes.

Now a happy camper again.
A quick thank you to Konni for the Lignite mine industry.

Come on TC-3

:udrool: :mop: :mop:
Although I have a Brand New Unregistered copy of '06, I have not installed it.

I still intend using, and staying with '04. It does everything I could wish for, so why change and have to re-learn it all over again?:D

I'm still "learning" about 04.;)
I think over my post here http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showpost.php?p=294625&postcount=17

I would buy the next Trainz 09/X only in German-Edition from Halycon-Media.
I checked out what is in this version - what from that is on the download station.

Now I would say TRS2007 is the best German Edition ever.

And Halycon-Media is the best publisher for Trainz in Germany.

But, I will buy both - the Auran-Version for faster Updates - the German version for the very good modell collection later.
But please not again months behind the international versions.

Wait (TM) (months) for soon (R) is a long time.;)
The same as Meridious, I use TRS 2004, I bought 2006 a last year and went back quickly to 2004, I don´t like CMP (this programe could be installed as an option, I´m happy with CDP) I think you can get more "juice" from TRS 2009, but for the moment I´m staying with 2004 :)

I started 5 years ago with 2004 but upgraded to 2006 as soon as it was released. Always been happy with it, put in my order for that other simulator (you know the one :hehe: ) but couldn't get along with it so uninstalled it within a few months.
Pre-ordered TC3 and will go along with 2009 & what ever else Auran throw at us.

Gam :D
To test and package creations I use Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004!!

However, I am using Trainz Railroad Simulator 2009 for my route!

It's 50/50 for me!!!

Ish :wave: