Considering that 04 is 4 years old now and 06 is two years old, the numbers don't add up. 134 '04 users to 190 '06 users (at the time of this posting). This really says something about the different versions. To many, 06 as well as 04 are quite reliable and do what the end user wants. To many, they don't or aren't.
This is where auran needs to look at the numbers and take a long hard look at why so many have either stuck with or reverted back to 04. Tony was right when he said that Trainz will never be finished, there are too many things that can be done with it yet. If 09 can be made to be as reliable as 04 and have the features of 06 & TC(less cmp as mandatory of course), you may just get people on the same version.
I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion whether anyone agrees with it or not. My original post was not to bash anything. It was simply a means of saying why I stick with 04. I like how much quicker 06 does load and the other features it has. However, CMP being mandatory is where I find the shortcomings.