Poll: What type of Trainz user are you?

Which of these options BEST describes your usage of Trainz?

  • Mainly Driver Sessions/Scenarios without going into Surveyor

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Mainly Driver but I also like to edit the sessions/routes in Surveyor

    Votes: 28 10.4%
  • Mainly Surveyor & using only basic Rules and settings

    Votes: 45 16.8%
  • Mainly Surveyor & using more advanced Rules and settings

    Votes: 61 22.8%
  • Roughly equal time in Driver and Surveyor

    Votes: 83 31.0%
  • More time creating content outside of Trainz

    Votes: 46 17.2%

  • Total voters


Trainz Plus - enjoy Trainz from just 20 cents a da
Are you a Driver a World Builder or a Script Monkey? We'd like to find out more about how you use your version of Trainz.
What rules are used in Surveyor? Don't you mean in Driver?

You can enter Rules in Surveyor when creating a Session. This includes basic rules like "Choose Cab Mode or DCC" or more optional Rules like adding a "Driver HUD"

In Driver you can use Driver Commands (or Orders) which is the next poll I am creating :)
I´m the second, but sometimes the 3. - with model-railroad fealing :udrool:

One other point I like to see is model-railroader or real-driver or both.
Hi Tony,

I spend equal time creating content using Gmax and using surveyor to create my route using anything I can get my hands on which fits my Canadian theme

Can I vote Twice?

definately a world builder first. my whole motivation in model building/simulation, every kind of creative activity i engauge in, is motivated primarily, my whole life is really, by the kind of world i'd rather be living in.

of course i've always loved guideway based transportation of all kinds and love simming its opperation, but creating systems to serve an enable that kind of world, is what my motivation and interest is all about.

it can also be seen in my illustration art i do in blender and everything else i've done recently and even going back in my life, even before there were computers.

i'm still quite new, brand new, noob infant brand new, to trainz, so i suspect it will be quite some time before i've mastered enough and come to understand enough well enough to create the kind of content i'm really interested in, beyond what i can already do and am doing creating worlds/layouts, in surveyor, with the content/assets i have so far been able to find.

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You can enter Rules in Surveyor when creating a Session. This includes basic rules like "Choose Cab Mode or DCC" or more optional Rules like adding a "Driver HUD"

In Driver you can use Driver Commands (or Orders) which is the next poll I am creating :)

So 2 of your options are worded badly. They refer to using , not simply "entering", rules when in Surveyor. Now that I look at it, none of those options captures what many world builders do for most of the time, which is building the world, not the Session as such.

Anyway, thanks for clarifying the poll options. I hope you can make sense of any answers you get on that one.
I love surveyor and get quite carried away for hours with it. Driving is kind of a recreational activity from that, so I mostly (not always) like to cruise as a passenger and admire the scenery while the session runs itself..
I am going to throw in another one you haven't chosen, but I've already voted.

How about: "I spend more time creating content outside of trainz, but I use virtually every aspect of trainz when I am in Trainz (Creating layouts in surveyor, using some advanced rules and letting the AI control the trains, driving trains, etc.)"
Creating bulk of contents for trainz, however, i enjoyed working on my year-long route in surveyor!!:wave: :p


I have spent a lot of time in surveyor altering and adding items and setting up driver sessions with AI hoping that the saved session problem is fixed so that I can enjoy a continuing sesion over many saves utilising different freight trains and different commodities with the AI as traffic. This session bug( speed restricted by saving with one or many AI caught in the station trigger radius and forever pegged at 15km per hour forever) is detracting my enjoyment of trainz so please fix it. If you have read the posts in Trainz Classics, you will find that others are equally frustrated.:'( :'( :'(

Being a model railroader, this seems like a silly question. You must use Surveyor to build your layout, the whole point of which is to operate it in Driver, which pretty much requires that you employ Rules and driver Commands.