PLeaSee Help me with an big error with missing textures in TRS 2006!!


New member
Hi!! I Have a big problem in TRS 2006...I have Dual core E2180, GIGABYTE P31DS3L and ZOTAC 8800GT 512 MB ...and when i launch the game and select engine driver and select whatever map i want it tells me that i didn't selected map .: ERROR - No map selected , go back and select any map.,,,,,,,,,,but i selected that map...and one or two maps are function.....but when i play that map .., all textures are gone all textures:( are impossible to see.... train is gone, i see only coal nothing more .....and when i go to the interior ....the screen is light blue ........I can't play::':)':)':)':)':)'( What can i do??I tried to install other drivers but nothing si function.....On second computer that is function but lag...Sorry for my english i'm czech.....Nobody is replying to me:'(