Here is what the book says "Making your own displacement maps"
You can also make your own displacement maps using a simple paint program (e.g. ms paint) and then drop them into the \resources\base\displacements folder in your T:ANE directory to make them accessible. What I found is the BMP has to go into C:\program files\N3Vgames\trainz A NEW ERA\resources\base\displacements folder in your trainz a new era directory to make them accessible. neither of these seem to work. If you could just give me the location to send them to please.
I just tried this method and it does not work. I had to create a displacements folder because there was none, put in a scribble to see if it would work, and it did not. I needed to get permissions to copy the file into that folder.
Since this method does not work, it should be brought up as an issue via the helpdesk so the manual can be corrected.
My method has always worked... Here are the instructions again, slightly revised.
In Content Manager.
You will see Installed.
1) Click on the small arrow next to Filter: Installed.
The world Installed will now be listed again with an arrow to the right of it.
2) Click on that and this will bring up various things. Look for Category.
In Category you will see the middle part that says Achievement.
3) Scroll that until you see Ground Brush.
1) Click on any one of these.
2) Click on Content on the top bar.
2) Pick Clone
Your new (cloned) asset does not show.
3) Click on File > New Windows > New Asset Window.
4) Click on Installed (again) in the New Window
5) Change this to Open for Edit.
Your own New Asset shows now...
6) Create/Import your own texture.
7) Ensure the texture is the same name as the already created one, otherwise, there will be errors.
8) Right-Click on this New Asset, and choose Open in Explorer from the menu.
9) Edit the Config.txt file and change the Username to your own asset name.
10) Save the config.txt file.
11) Close the folders.
12) Back in Content Manager, right-click on the New Asset and choose Submit.
If there are any errors, check your work.