"Patching from 48249 to 49922..." What am I in for? Was this a good idea?


New member
Checking for available disk space for patching.
Searching for patches...
Downloading patch file...
Unpacking patch file...
Patching from 48249 to 49922...

Downloading patch file...

Should I go get a coffee, or maybe a Masters Degree? Or just a new hobby?:o
The problem may be with not having a TS12 registered. How did you even get the patch that would take you to 49922?
ahh just came accross Shane's "Can I Patch?" sticky


48249 YES TS12 49922
49922 YES TS12 57720
57720 YES TS12 57825
57825 YES TS12 58414
58414 YES TS12 61388

So to answer my own question, probably time for a masters degree in something easy, but i don't need a new hobby yet...

To answer your question RRSignal, I bought it from Amazon last night.

I'm just being cranky, 4 hours of download time + install and I feel that ts12 has monopolized enough of my computer's time this week. (couldn't even use '09 surveyor while the download was going on. every time i did anything the link lost connection...)

Sooo... I'm just gonna have to wait through 4 more patches til we get to 61338.
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Can you get a refund, then order it from simulatorcentral.com? When you get it there, the installer will be Build 61388 in one full sweep, no extra maneuvers to pull. Install it once, and walk away happier.
I think there is also a one-full-sweep patch available as well that brings the program from 49922 to 61388. This will save you the extra patching in between.

Remember to run the patchers as administrator, otherwise you may have funky things happen, and be sure to turn off you antivirus program while this is running.

Thank you, Shane, John and P.D. Clearly I should have come here before I started this madness, er, project.

[Also not seeing my last post, which was later that night. probably a not-clicking-post problem. hmmm... I went on a rant. maybe for the best then]

This is what I saw when I got home:
TS12 said:
No (more) patches at server for version: 58414

Updating Trainz asset database... (this may take several minutes)
Repairing asset database (this may take some time)

; <NULL> : Performing database repair

- <kuid:-3:11060> : Asset <kuid:-3:11060> is damaged
; <kuid:-3:11061> : <kuid:-3:11061> has been added.

OK (1 Errors, 0 Warnings)

Patching completed.

OK that was passengers.

Hmmmm.. No (more) patches at server for version: 58414
So I still have one to go and it's going to wait a bit.

Less painful than expected.
Took a quick scroll around CMP didn't see anything glaringly obviously wrong.
Drove the go-get-that-stuck-train session in Mojave.

WOW... trees.

I never drive over an open check-rail on my way out of the yard :hehe:

Did 2 tutorials just to check the boxes. Got annoyed by the stock SD40-2 enginesound and that's when it went pear-shaped for me.

Learning Curve!! in 09 i'd just clone the thing and put in a sound I can deal with and be done. took me a while to get "texture.txt missing" errors to turn into warnings but eventually... well now i have "texture files missing" when they are clearly right there....

OH! and then the shortcut keys stopped working in surveyor. F7, M click !!*!?? why is it still adding locos?
Hoping a reboot of my machine fixes that one. or maybe 61338.

yeah.. I think 12's gonna have to wait a bit longer.

I like 09. it works just like 06 (except that it works) (and has usable search in surveyor)
(but mostly that it hasn't eaten 5 weeks of my work - even once!) [(maybe that was '04...)]
In terms of the .texture.txt missing errors, have you been modifying built-in content? If you have, revert them to original. In terms of the texture files missing, you will need to use PEV's PM2IM tool (available from the PEVSoft Tools link in my signature) in strip textures mode (it's called Open IM Files mode in the current version and it has to be run from the desktop shortcut to use that mode, not from Content Manager.

49922 to 57720. That is the big one and takes forever. 1,848,749 kb. It's all worth it. Do as much as you can at night. Go to sleep so you don't pace. When you finish you well have a great train sim. Don
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Remember what I've said many, oh so many times before, regarding the validation process. After you update, this kicks in and can take some time, and even more time if you have lots of content. Since this is a busy process, meaning it's eating a ton of CPU and hard disk usage away from the rest of what your computer is doing, Trainz it's self, and even Content Manager will be very, very sluggish. Clicking on this will take extra clicks, sometimes, and the extra clicks can sometimes cause white-out menus. Short-cut keys won't work either or if they do it's sporadic. This is pretty normal, if you want to call it that, and this is a symptom of a busy computer. What's happening is your computer hasn't received the key click messages, or they are sitting in the queue to be processed, but because the computer program is so busy validating assets, it doesn't respond or does so a bit later.

Once the validating is done, things usually settle down to a bit more normalcy.
Hi Guys,
49922 to 57720. That is the big one and takes forever. 1,848,749 kb. It's all worth it. Do as much as you can at night. Go to sleep so you don't pace. When you finish you well have a great train sim. Don
Well, that is good news. Good to know. Thank you, Don.

That (49922 to 57720) was the 1st one (that was the fossilized progress bar I was staring at when I began this thread) :-). Just have 58414-to-61388 to go.


Remember what I've said many, oh so many times before, regarding the validation process.

Once the validating is done, things usually settle down to a bit more normalcy.
You mean this? :
Updating Trainz asset database... (this may take several minutes)
Repairing asset database (this may take some time)

; <NULL> : Performing database repair
Luckily, I was out of the house while this was going on.


In terms of the .texture.txt missing errors, have you been modifying built-in content? If you have, revert them to original.
Er....well.... No need to revert as this was a clone (am I in trouble?). And in '09 the BN SD40 won't revert (shows as faulty but works fine. Only way to add it to a session is with a saved consist it's in). Lost my MN Shoreliner-I Cab the same way. saved it to CDP not realizing that since I couldn't delete it CMP wasn't going to re-install it. (And how come I can't revert built-in content (the option is grayed out). Did I mess it up that badly?).

In terms of the texture files missing, you will need to use PEV's PM2IM tool (available from the PEVSoft Tools link in my signature) in strip textures mode (it's called Open IM Files mode in the current version and it has to be run from the desktop shortcut to use that mode, not from Content Manager.

Oooooh. That bit of knowledge will be quite useful. Thanks, Shane. I'm working with Attachment Maker right now.
As part of the attachment mesh generation process,Attachment Maker creates a file in XML format which is
then converted to an IM...
Does that mean I can add/edit attachments as text? Once I get the co-ords for the 1st few I'm just typing anyway. (great program, but for lots of very similar attachments it's not very "work-flow" friendly)

Thanks, again, all. I do appreciate the help.