"Passenger view" availability?


New member
Part of the reason I got TRS 2006 was from this blurb describing TRS 2006 (on the Auran website, no less): "PASSENGER OBSERVATION The in-game view camera can now be placed within passenger cars, giving the user the experience of riding along a train as a passenger." As far as I can tell, this isn't exactly true, because you can only get an in-cab view from a locomotive. It may well be that I'm missing something, or that I need to add a rule or something. Could anyone enlighten me? Thank you.
It may well be that I'm missing something, or that I need to add a rule or something. Could anyone enlighten me?

No, its only available on certain passanger cars, I don't know any of them off the top of my head, but the Silverliner cars have them by default, the Acela on the DLS has by default, the UKBranchLines/Magandy Mk1s do too, same with the Class 315s and some others do too. You enter the passanger view via the same way as you do with the cab.
The Amtrak double decker and a few caboses that come with TRS2006 have that feature. I suspect many of the newer cars on the DLS also have that feature.
I seem to recall the passenger cars used in one of the Marias Pass sessions has that feature on the passenger cars.


'because you can only get an in-cab view from a locomotive'

Not true, a 'cab-view' or 'passenger view' can be built into any item of rolling stock, its a matter of whether the creator placed relevant attachment points into the original mesh. a.cabfront and a.outsideview spring to mind.

Most recent created content should have these built in to give the 'passenger views' or 'hobo view'
The problem I've found is that visible loads (including passengers) aren't visible from an interior view.
Passenger View

Hi All,

To get to passenger view in cars that support it, select the car LMB then press "1". This will put you in the car but there will be no passengers in view. To see passenger in the car, select a car LMB then use down arrow and you will be in the following car and be able to see passengers, but if the train comes to a bend you will then be outside the car.

Hope this helps,
The problem I've found is that visible loads (including passengers) aren't visible from an interior view.

Cabview uses the interior mesh so there are no visible passengers. a.outsideview uses the traincar mesh so will show the passengers so it depends on what attachment points the creator has added to the traincar. As I have stated before it is quite easy to add, for your own use, a new mesh in the mesh table to give missing attachment points. Mark you when you see close-up what an ugly bunch they are you may wonder why you bothered. :)
As I have stated before it is quite easy to add, for your own use, a new mesh in the mesh table to give missing attachment points.

Could this technique be used to add an attachment point for a visible load on a flat car which does not have such a point when downloaded from the DLS? If so, could you explain a little more about how to go about doing it?

As far as I can tell the method of adding meshes can be applied to any missing helper points. This will only work in 2004 and 2006. To produce your own you will need the following.

The Content Creator Guide to give you information on what helpers etc. are needed. I am only describing the outline of my method below.

GMax or similar to produce the mesh. You only need to know how to make, move and texture a cube and add, move and rotate points.

A (recent) traincar whose config file contains a mesh table (unless you know how to rewrite it).

The ability to be able to modify a config.txt file safely. I am not into creating the product queues etc. but copy and modify them from a similar vehicle e.g. another passenger coach, an open wagon etc.

To create the mesh you will first need to create a new folder (I call mine my_mesh) in the traincar's folder. This can be alongside the body art and shadow folders. Make or copy a texture tga file of a single colour into it. I use black and make it 64x64 pixels and call it black.tga.

In Gmax create a small cube say of 10cm side and texture it with your black texture. This is needed as TACS needs a textured surface to export to Trainz. You may need to move it later so that it is hidden in the model.

Decide by looking at the model where you want your helper point(s). I use FileViewer in top view with the grid set at 10cm to help me. Now in top view add your helper point(s) where you think they should be and name them correctly as you go along.

Export your mesh to your new folder as a .im file.

Now you will need to modify the config file. In the mesh-table you will need to add an extra block

load (
autocreate 1

You will also need to add the correct queue details for your load.

Save and commit (if in CMP) and try in Surveyor. If all is well you should get a load to load when you look at properties. Load your traincar and see what happens. Probably, if like me, your efforts are very much trial and error then the load will not be in the correct place and you will need to go back into GMax and move the helper(s).

As you will see my method is very much trial and error. I am not an able GMax modeller so I'm afraid it is a case of the blind leading the blind. I originally got this from an article on a German Trainz Forum by Vasquez (I don't have the link unfortunately). With the help of Babelfish and my limited knowledge of German, I was able to understand enough to get started.

There are some tutorials out there which are more helpful than the above. Perhaps those more knowlegeable than me can give these links or correct my rather crude outline above.

Remember finally that you are modifying somebody else's work so it is only for your own private use and CANNOT be uploaded.

I hope however this is of some help.
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Worked Great, Kind Sir.

I hope however this is of some help.


Great help indeed; in about half an hour I have added a central load point to a flat car which had no load point when downloaded. It now looks great with a WWII Higgins Boat for a cargo.


For those of you that have landvr1's California Zephyr, you can change the kuid to the interior of the Zephyrs on the DLS, and have a tail car view in the dome obs!