Paddington to Bristol pt 4


New member
First of all, merry Christmas everybody, I hope you had a great one! :cool:

To my point, I have installed Paddington to Bristol pt4 and it has some faulty stuff. I checked the faults and it the Gravel bank 01 that's an issue. I went into more depth into the issue and it came up with this:

Error: The Tag 'track' is not permitted within a container of type 'bridge'.

I have tried open for edit and commit and still dosen't work.

Please can you help me?

Many thanks.
- Open the Object for 'Edit in Explorer'
- Open the file config.txt using a simple editor (notepad.exe)
- Make the following change
track                             <kuid:-1:101038>
bridgetrack                             <kuid:-1:101038>
- Save the file and close the editor
- Close the explorer window
- Commit ( Ctrl-M ) the object again
