

This space for rent.
Found on the internet, so it must be true:

'We run a short branchline that uses street running on our railroad to connect us to a main line railroad that brings us our supplies and equipment; we use this track about once a week.
We were told that the sewer and water dept was going to do some work and the railroad said, "OK, go for it."
When it came time to roll out to the mainline interchange this is what we found:'


That ain't no good.
Lucky it was a clear day.

Imagine if it was a wet day with vow visibility or a foggy day and the train found that, I am guessing it would be only slowish speeds but still could have caused big problems .....

How stupid is the sewer company, not like you can't see the tracks, you think the guy in charge would have questioned the work order, or was it blindness and obey the orders from above, maybe they thought it's a abadoned piece of track, never been there on a train the day the train runs?

Looks like some one has some work to do .....

Found on the internet, so it must be true:

'We run a short branchline that uses street running on our railroad to connect us to a main line railroad that brings us our supplies and equipment; we use this track about once a week.
We were told that the sewer and water dept was going to do some work and the railroad said, "OK, go for it."
When it came time to roll out to the mainline interchange this is what we found:'


That ain't no good.

Thats one really small turntable there.they even forget to join the track?
Now on Trainz News at 12....

A titaniclover story, titaniclover story, everyone loves a titaniclover story!:cool: :p

Company Owner (CO)
RailRoad Owner (RRO)
Sewer Guy (SG)

CO: Why did you do that!?

(Stares in amazement at manhole now blocking track)

RRO: We thought they were doing something else.

SG: Wasnt us.:o It was the electric guys.

CO: Must not of put in the electrified line in correctly.

RRO: We ordered no such thing! Now see here, if it want you guys, why does it say your company name on it?

SG: Cause its really a trucking company.

CO: That makes sense!

RRO: Yea sure lets go for that, I'm hungy time for lunch.

CO: Sounds like a plan!

(another sewer guy walks up)

ASG: Sir, all installations are complete of that manhole you ordered. $500 please.
CO and RRO: Ok, here ya go. Have a nice day!:wave:

(Men take there sewer uniforms off revealing trucker outfits as the others walk away)

SG: Haha! Our plan worked! Now lets go get some lunch.

(They follow the rest, there mission completed, one step closer to the destruction of railroads):eek: :o :'(

Tune in next week, for another titaniclover story on Trainz News at 12.:cool:

TCS Route Builder