Old man's first route.


New member
I taught computing until I retired some years ago. Since then I have had a few years fighting cancer, but seem to have overcome it. Now, when I should be taking life easy, I have discovered Trainz! I am posting a few screenshots of my very first route which will eventually, I hope, go all the way round the Ards peninsula in County Down. It is very beautiful country and more or less off the normal tourist trail. So far, there are only about six miles of it, and progress is very slow, as I learn how to do things and try to make the finished result look something like the area.

Any tips and comments that would help me improve this would be greatly appreciated.

The first picture shows a train in Portaferry station, which I have managed to squeeze (on a bridge) into the narrow space between the road (The Strand) and the sea.

Screenshot 2 is nearly as far as the line has progressed in a northward direction and shows Ballyhenry Island, a bird sanctuary in the care of the National trust.

Returning southwards, number 3 is approaching Ballyhenry station. Since there isn't room for more than a single track through the town (Portaferry), Ballyhenry has a 2-platform station so that we can have passing facilities.

A couple of miles the other side of Portaferry, we see the train passing Granagh Bay, with Bankmore Hill in the background. This is another important bird-watching area and the location of fantastic tidal currents, including a well-known whirlpool, the Routen Wheel.

Finally, a view from inside the cab. The train has just emerged from the tunnel to the south of Ballyhenry station.

I would welcome your reactions, however critical. I'm only just beginning and know I have a lot to learn.

WOW!!! that is really nice looking,that would be something that I couldn't think of/do for myself,Can't wait to see more screens:D
After being involved with Trainz for almost 6 years now, and having seen many hundreds of screenshots I'm not inclined to be critical of your work at all. I'm not sure it could be improved upon.
WOW. That's just absolutely fabulous and your first route? I'm like Euphod, I can't see anything that needs to be improved upon. You are to be commended and I think I speak for all when I say...when can we see some more:cool:
Thanks for the encouragement.

The trams/trains are indeed the Stockholm C20 units from svoyager. I started with the Isle of Wight versions of the 1938 London underground trains but as soon as I saw these, decided they were ideal for the line. The only problem I have with them is that when I have Alistair driving (!) he will insist on just exceeding the speed limit. Then the train automatically brakes to about 4mph before he can continue - frustrating.

Originally by worthless; Now, when I should be taking life easy, I have discovered Trainz!
Seem to have heard that one many time round here Lol

Great shots, thanks for sharing, it's also a lovely area and you appear to be capturing it well, great use of textures and appropriate objects, only one small comment otherwise, the fences look a little to close to the track at some points
Some day I would like to drive completely round the old Ards race circuit at the last attempt a pub got in the way “again”
Regards Bob V
Thanks Bob. The point about the fences is useful. What is the ususal/minmum distance one would expect?

My younger brother (unfortunately died about 4 years ago) lived in an old farm house in Ardkeen - nearly a mile from a solid road. His local was the Saltwater Brig which really must figure in this route when I get that far.

I'm finding progress very slow. I see what some people produce in a day or two - by that time I may have covered a third of a board (or less), become completely dissatisfied with it and deleted it, ready to start again! It would be so much easier if I didn't know the area - things that are obviously wrong wouldn't grate so much.

When I do get a bit further, I'll post some more.

very good work, keep it up it looks excellent. with regard to alistair speeding you could try advanced speed warning signs. they may slow him down.
Nice work for a first effort and I agree you should be congratulated.

I agree with the fences to close as well but then I do not know the area and I am not sure how far away they should be. A few feet by real scale. The other thing I would say is the textures around the track, I can see in one screenshot you have a mixture of grass around the track, I would add some ballast texture as well (close to the track colour). No track ballast would finish as perfectly as shown in the screenshots.

My last comment would be where is the driver, I think you left him at the last station, there is no one in the drives seat :o ..... oh thats right you had Alistair ....... Did you sack him and forget to replace him :hehe: :hehe:

Great work and some more screenshots please.

I agree with Euphod. I've been with Trainz for almost 6 years myself and I still can't do scenery that good. I think I'll stick to Gmax and modeling.

I've been taking a closer look at your screenshots and am still amazed how wonderful they are. It's really hard to believe that it's your first. I do, although, have one minor suggestion. Your last shot is apparently exiting a tunnel through a cut in the earth. You might try adding some rock textures of some sort in the cut or some earth. I'm not familiar with the region, so I'm not sure what you'd see if you made a deep cut through the earth in that area.
Otherwise, it's just superb.
Hello, I would only ever be critical about your nickname, which would definately not be "worthless" having just seen your screenies. You are to be commended highly for your patience and attention to detail. Please take your time with your route, quality can never be rushed....

Cheers. ex-railwayman.
Can I say worthless that your fictitious route brought back my memories of hiking down the Ards Peninsular many years ago through Portaferry staying at youth hostels then crossing by the ferry on the long walk to Newcastle. Fascinated by what you are doing here as I am a freqent visitor to N. Ireland and sad to see what hapened to a once extensive rail system rememberd as a boy. In more recent timestook boys camps to Donaghadee and more lattery, Millisle. Oddly enough the Belfast & County Down Raliway once had a plan for a line down the Ards Peninsular and I have the map in a book. It never got beyond a plan!

Keep up the good work and I think I for one would like to drive round this forgotten part of Ulster!
That indeed looks very good, nice how everyone make such great routes. I always get stuck halfway not knowing where to go from there lol so thumbs up for a route well done.