NSW North Coast and Casino to Murwillumbah Railway Line


Behind a desk
G'Day Everyone!

Welcome to the official thread for my NSW North Coast and Casino to Murwillumbah Railway Line Project on TS12. Here you will find all the latest news and updates for the Project.

Anyway, Enough said. Enjoy!!!!


A Warning Triangle looking towards where Casino will be placed in the future.

Right now Lismore City is 30% complete, The railyard is about 90% complete, Tuncester is about 80% complete and Brisbane is 40% complete. So as you can see it is still is early construction more so than other surrounding parts.


The result of speeding whilst drink driving past a RBT unit outside Lismore


Looking down the main road of Tuncester


A portion of the industrial estate of Lismore. The railway runs behind the camera.

Well that's all for now. Bye!
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Photos need to be on a image share host site - you can not host from you own PC - read the image sharing sticky top of the screen shot page You might also like to register your trainz so we know for what version your doing the route for
G'Day Everyone!

Welcome to the official thread for my NSW North Coast and Casino to Murwillumbah Railway Line Project. Here you will find all the latest news and updates for the Project.

Anyway, Enough said. Enjoy!!!!

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Photos need to be on a image share host site - you can not host from you own PC - read the image sharing sticky top of the screen shot page You might also like to register your trainz so we know for what version your doing the route for

Thanks, but that is one of my problems I am expirencing, Registration. If you would like to help me out, i have another thread you can visit here: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?115488-MORE-Content-Manager-issues!!!!

Oh and the version I am using is TS12
Hello Again!

Today I am focusing on expanding towards Casino. With the Bentley level crossing going in right now. Much of the hills around the level crossing and tracks need to be created, but I have that somewhat distinctive flat road installed.



The Bentley Bridge is coming along nicely. However i think it needs to be bigger to impersonate the original bridge a bit better.

Anyway that's it for today. Bye for now!
Thanks, Petan for the link. And I love the documents and the layout.

If anyone else is interested in the Northern Rivers, then you should demonstrate your level of support NOW as there are proposals and plans to rip up all the inactive railways in the region and replace them with a useless pathway! (Rail Trails)
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Back Again!

I have recently expanded Bentley Bridge and added grass to the Bentley Crossing area...


The new Bridge


Grass added to Bentley Crossing

Here are some shots of the real Bentley crossing as of 2005 (The Casino to Murwillumbah railway has been closed since 2004, and only basic maintenance operations have been conducted. For more info on the real line, see here: https://www.facebook.com/TOOT4Trains)


The old Bentley railway station was located on the left in the middle distance


Source: NSWrail.net

I know of a good photo of the bridge but I still have to locate it! Hopefully it will be featured in the next post, but that depends on if I can find the image.

Well, See you next time!
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Hello all

Today I am working on the Naughtons Gap Tunnel and some other areas near the Tunnel.

Here is the Tunnel portal which faces Bentley and Lismore.

Now the side which faces Casino

Here is the nearby road bridge.


From the rail view

From the road view

And yes, I did have to throw in a CountryLink Billboard just for fun!:D

Anyway that's it for now, See you all next time

here are some images of the Gold Coast Motorail traversing the Lismore to Casino part of the line.


The Gold Coast Motorail passing Tuncester


Approaching a tunnel


Exiting the tunnel


Some trackwork being undertaken


Traversing Bentley Bridge


Exiting the bridge


approaching the crossing



The view of the train from the road overbridge

Bye for now!
I need those signs!

Hello, Recently I have been expanding the railway again towards Casino, however I ran into a bit of a hiccup...

You see I have this crossing but of course, it needed some signs, so I searched for some, I had no luck both on TS12 and the DLS. Below are some pictures of the crossing and the desired sign.



Location: Booyong, NSW Australia

If anyone knows where I can find some of these, please tell me!
I need those signs!

Hello, Recently I have been expanding the railway again towards Casino, however I ran into a bit of a hiccup...

You see I have this crossing but of course, it needed some signs, so I searched for some, I had no luck both on TS12 and the DLS. Below are some pictures of the crossing and the desired sign.

Location: Booyong, NSW Australia

If anyone knows where I can find some of these, please tell me!

Hi trainguy01,

Firstly let me say its great to see someone doing a Murwillumbah branch layout. I lived near the region for a number of years before and after the closure of the branch so the line has a place in my heart, I caught the XPT to Sydney many times from Murwillumbah! It is certainly a beautiful line and such a pity that trains no longer venture along it :)!

Regarding the signs, I took a photo of one exactly the same at Stokers Siding a few years ago as I thought about making one. However unless you are modelling the line after it was closed you should just use the one already available, that has 'Stop' instead of 'Give Way'. The Give Way signs were only installed after the line was closed.

Keep up the great work!


Thanks matt, and I definitely agree with your thoughts on the line!. Could you please tell me the exact name or KUID of the sign already available you are talking about?

Thanks matt, and I definitely agree with your thoughts on the line!. Could you please tell me the exact name or KUID of the sign already available you are talking about?


Roadsign Unprotected Crossing, kuid2:61119:100990:1 by Natvander.


Here is a shot of the same level crossing earlier in the thread, but this time with those signs and some updated scenery! Special Thanks to Matt (thebigman) for his help finding the signs!

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Hello again

Today I have been expanding into Casino, with Naughtons Gap road crossing going in today, and some other bridges to go with it. Here are some pictures of the progress

The road bridge for Naughtons Gap road


Here is Naughtons Gap crossing with where PRIMEX is to be placed in the future (Paddock behind crossing)

So as you can see I am awfully close to Old Casino station! So stay tuned for that!

As you can also see there is a fair bit of work still to be done on Casino...


Bye for now!
Hello Again all!
Yes, its been a while, but im back again!

So, I recently downloaded some more stuff, continued construction on Casino Station, and made a bit more progress with the Casino Roundhouse, Yard etc.

Here are some Screenshots...


I Have also switched the American crossings for NSW crossings...





Below is the Casino Roundhouse. The track closest to the bottom of the photo is the Murwillumbah Branch, The track on the far left in the North Coast Line, and the rest of course are all part of the yard.

Well Bye for now!
Oh, and In regard to Casino, If anyone knows of a Coal Stage similar to that of the Casino Locomotive Depot, Please tell me the name or KUID of the Coal Stage.

For those of you who don't know, here is a photo of the Coal Stage featured at Casino:


Source: NSWrail.net

I suggest replacing the roads with 'NSW Highway' roads by Natvander, and the track by Davido on his website (Google search worrybrook)
Then use the replace assets tool in 'Main menu' while in surveyor