North West Trains DLS Route Missing Dependencies


Joined June 2001
Hiya boys and girls,

anyone who has this route installed tell me which DLC or other sources, these missing dependencies are from please.


Thank you,
Andrushivka - Vinnitsa UZ
Bairnsdale to Orbost Line C1970-80s
Balezino - Mosti, Russia
Belarusian woodland
Beloreck - South Ural Mountains
Brazemore Yard
C&O Hinton Division
Canadian Rocky Mountains - Columbia River Basin
Canadian Rocky Mountains - Golden, BC
Canadian Rocky Mountains - Rogers Pass
Coal Country
Datsun Junction MRR
Fall Harvest Nebraska - Redux
Fall Harvest - Nebraska
Franklin Avenue Industrial
Harvard Subdivision: Commuter Edition
Healesville - 1913-1920
Kickstarter County
Legacy of the Burlington Northern v2
Midwestern Rails
Model Trainz: Geneva Sub Division
Mojave Sub Division
Niddertalbahn - TRS19
Rostov uzel 2018
Santa Fe, Needles District 2.0
Schwaninger Land
Sebino Lake, Italy (1980s)
The Shortz & Kerl Traction Railroad - Model Trainz
Tidewater Point Rail v3
TRS19 Canadian Rocky Mountains - Viktor Lake to Ross Peak & Glacier
TRS19 Canadian Rocky Mountains Baker Crk to West of Calgary
TRS19 Canadian Rocky Mountains Beavermouth to Ottertail
TRS19 Canadian Rocky Mountains Ottertail to Castle Jct.
VR Healesville - 1913-1920 TRS19
West from Denver - Moffat Route
Mike, there have been some content updates. Check the Content Store for route updates.

In Content Manager, do the following.

Setup a filter to show out of date packages.

Installed = True
Out of date = True
Packaged = True

You can download most of the updates from the DLS except for trains if you have any.
Right-click on packages you want to update.
Choose List Asset Versions.

A new window will open up...

Sort the status to show Available for download.

Download the assets.

I updated a ton of assets like this the other day. The only routes I have that are now marked as faulty are the Russian and Ukrainian ones.
Thank you very much HPL, excellent help and much appreciated. Looks like i am going to have to go Gold sub, my normal Plus ended yesterday.

Hiya John, how you doing ? Many thanks and much appreciation for the info and tutorial. I will go and do that now buddy :cool::cool:.

Thanks guys (y)(y) .

Thank you very much HPL, excellent help and much appreciated. Looks like i am going to have to go Gold sub, my normal Plus ended yesterday.

Hiya John, how you doing ? Many thanks and much appreciation for the info and tutorial. I will go and do that now buddy :cool::cool:.

Thanks guys (y)(y) .

Hi Mike,

I'm hanging in there. I'll pm you on that. You're welcome and I'm glad I can help.
@HPL The route is now complete thank you very much, no dependencies missing. (y) (y) .

@JCitron I have followed your instructions and updated everything that was out of date. CM now shows a clean bill of health, thank you very much buddy (y)(y).
