No switches on BNSF Clovis Sub V2.5


New member
I just downloaded the BNSF Clovis Sub V2.5 today from Checkrail, but when I started playing it, I found that there were no switches in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Please let me know. Thanks.
Ensure you get all the missing dependencies and ensure that nothing is open for edit. Assets open for edit can also cause missing dependencies to appear.
I just downloaded the BNSF Clovis Sub V2.5 today from Checkrail, but when I started playing it, I found that there were no switches in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Please let me know. Thanks.

No swithes - or missing some switches? If you are missing all then you have a local problem - all main line electric levers (the vast majority on the route) are built in in TS10 and either built-in or DLS in TS12. If you are missing some switches then there may be some 3rd party manual levers which are either Open for Edit (because you over-wrote when installing) or you missed the dependency pack at checkrail.

There are some missing dependencies, but nothing to do with tracks and switches.

Missing dependencies show as a kuid number only. How can you possibly tell that the levers are not amoung them????