No Internet connection. So I enter nothing in CMP!


New member
No Internet connection. So I enter nothing in CMP which should then enable me to work on my own content and my own routes! Just seeking a final clarification from Auran and possibly others on this point as this is the scenario I will be working to......... I make content. I make routes. I have to use cmp to work on content and even to make routes. So as I have no Internet connection, I do not enter ANYTHING into CMP........ This is a serious post as will decide if I use trainz again after I receive Classics 3 ............ Also of course will probably apply to many thousands of people who may buy trainz but who don't use the Internet for any number of reasons, and also will be using Vista which will probably come now with most new computers........ The reason for this post will be clear if you read my previous thread/posts as obviously I do have an internet connection but will save me going all through the tedious details again. Barry
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Hi Barry,

In TC 1&2, I can run CMP with my Internet connection disabled. It complains but pushing the escape key or the OK button makes the dialog go away. You do want to put your User ID in so that you can filter by your KUID in the display.

Hopes this is what you were asking about.

Thanks for the replies. So will put just User ID in and see what happens for classics 3. Just looking at it by taking the Internet entirely out of the equation....... A quick summary. Use Vista. CMP locked even when touching tab so unusable in classics 1/2. Only use ftp for small amounts from DS. Also on dial up......... If I don't need it to connect I should be able to completely remove the Internet from the equation so without anything entered in CMP?.. So all posts looking at it without the Internet also would be very useful feedback, and possibly for others also....... I realise CMP appears to have a mind of its own, sometimes and aware of the (cures), but just trying to be practical.......... Perhaps 2009 version will be different but been many years on and off with trainz, and the years roll by, so the now is what counts, or at least classics 3 when it's released.... . Thanks Barry.
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My trainz pc has a broadband connection but I disable it and was able to import .cdp and content from folders. I also cloned a built in asset and edited its config both in explorer and in CCP. I was able to commit the item both times without a problem. I then exported the cloned asset as an CDP.

My trainz pc has a broadband connection but I disable it and was able to import .cdp and content from folders. I also cloned a built in asset and edited its config both in explorer and in CCP. I was able to commit the item both times without a problem. I then exported the cloned asset as an CDP.


................. Sounds hopeful but whether Vista will alter the equation further, even when used as administrator, etc, I just don't know so another three weeks or so it will be all systems go again...or not. Thanks Barry