No Driver Controls (F6 doesn't work either):(


New member
Hi Guys

In 2006 I don't seem to be able to access the Driver Commands in Driver. Pressing F6 doesn't do anything either and what happened to the Consist status bar (I'm used to UTC)

Thanks for any help
Hi Rod,

TRS200x (x=4 or 6) is quite a bit different from UTC. I used UTC way back so I am kind of familiar with what you have.

Anyway in TRS200x First you need to place a train where you want to start in Surveyor. The Wheel Icon on the righthand side pull out bar is where you get your locos and cars from. The right tab, within the same Window has the consists. You can create your own consists here too. (Check the user's guide for more information).

Once you've placed your train, press Ctrl_F2 to go into driver. This is a quick-drive mode so you can jump right in from Surveyor for some testing.

In Driver a menu box pops up initially. There are two modes in driver. On the left is realistic CAB control mode with all the extra controls similar to MSTS. The other is DCC on the right.

I highly recommend that you check page 302 of the User's Guide for more information. Here are the ones that I have written down so I have easy access to them.

The CAB Controls (left side are as follows):

F ---- Forward
R ---- Reverse
V ---- Neutral
W ---- Throttle UP
X ----- Throtttle DOWN

S ---- Same as V Neutral
Q ---- Release Brake
Z ---- Lap Brake
A ---- Apply Brake

Pause Key ---- Emergency Brake
E ---- Engine Brake
D ---- Bail
C ---- Dynamic Brake
L ---- Lights
End ---- Pantograph Up or Down
L ---- Lights
H ---- Horn
B ---- Bell
? ---- Send
N ---- Auto Pilot.


X ---- Accelerate/forward
W ----Decelerate/backward​
S ---- Stop
A ---- Apply handbrake

Hope this helps.

Hi John
Thanks for the reply.
I don't get an intitial menu when I start driver, or Ctrl-F2 from Surveyor. According to the manual if I press F6 I should get the Driver Bar - and I don't get that either. I'm very confused and it does mean that I can't tell a rain to "Go" anywhere.

Thanks for the reply - at least it lets me know that something isn't right!
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Have you upgraded to SP1?

A bad SP install has been known to cause the driver command bar to disappear or stop working.
I had that happen once too...

Hi Rod,

I had that happen once too, and I ended up sadly :( reinstalling Trainz and the subsequent SP to fix it. As Steve says, this sounds like something croaked, or got stuffed somewhere.

It's hard enough coming from a really old version like UTC, and then having to deal with other technical difficulties as well!

Take care,

Fixed it now !!!

Hi Guys:D

Many thanks for the assistance - a clean re-install with the Virus checker switched off has cured all!!!!

Now to debug that layout!!!
(Heartbeat for TRS2006 - I live in the area)
Hallo, Gentlemen!

At first, a big cheers to the whole community; I'm a newby here, this being my very first post. My name is Marco and I live in Italy.

I ordered TRS2006 at the beginning of December as a Xmas present to myself, and received it less than a week ago - I couldn't resist and opened the parcel before time :D

Though I felt a bit confused at the beginning, it took just a few hours to get fully immersed, and now I'm addicted!

Regarding to the original post, if I'm allowed, I'd suggest the solution I found to Rodney's problem, which I had myself too. While in Surveyor, click on Edit Session Rules and add the "Control Type" rule; you can select among three options: Cab mode, DCC mode, or "Ask user", which means that once you start your session you'll be asked which of the two you want to choose.

Ok, maybe it's a beginners' solution, but I just wanted to show I learned something right after a few days ;)
