Hallo, Gentlemen!
At first, a big cheers to the whole community; I'm a newby here, this being my very first post. My name is Marco and I live in Italy.
I ordered TRS2006 at the beginning of December as a Xmas present to myself, and received it less than a week ago - I couldn't resist and opened the parcel before time
Though I felt a bit confused at the beginning, it took just a few hours to get fully immersed, and now I'm addicted!
Regarding to the original post, if I'm allowed, I'd suggest the solution I found to Rodney's problem, which I had myself too. While in Surveyor, click on Edit Session Rules and add the "Control Type" rule; you can select among three options: Cab mode, DCC mode, or "Ask user", which means that once you start your session you'll be asked which of the two you want to choose.
Ok, maybe it's a beginners' solution, but I just wanted to show I learned something right after a few days