New User - Hardware Question

:cool: Can You Run It is a free utility that uses a safe ActiveX program to assess your computer.

Thanks for this. I just ran it. Everything passed except for the OS as "Windows 7 was not available when this product was released so it it not officially supported".

I am going to try and upload a video to YouTube showing what happens, just waiting for a confirmation email to come through for registering. Will post the link once I have it on there.
Hi Aaron, To find out how may frames per second (fps) you are getting in 2010 run the game for a while then when you close it down navigate to the main Trainz folder and open the file 'jetlog.txt'
It will open in notebook, scroll down to the very bottom of the file and it will show the average fps and the time run in seconds. If your average is below about 40fps you will get stuttering.


Hi Bill69, I have tried this but can not see in the jetlog.txt file any information on fps - the only information I get is:

? 0:00.9 : InterfaceTextDB> failed to load compiled interfacetext file
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $void@Servlet::SetPersistentData(string,Soup)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $void@Servlet::GetPersistentData(string,Soup)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $int@Servlet::AdminValidateLogin(string,string)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $Soup@Servlet::AdminListAvailableServlets(int)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $Soup@Servlet::AdminListInstalledServlets(int)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $bool@Servlet::AdminInstallContent(int,KUID)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $bool@Servlet::AdminStartServlet(int,KUID)
? 0:15.5 : ScriptLog> Could not resolve native link $void@Servlet::AdminStopServlet(int,KUID)
? 0:18.0 : ScriptLog> GSMachine::GetLibrary> library '0x9F27EDD0 0x5D31E279' not found in link table
? 0:18.0 : ScriptLog> GSMachine: Error -2 loading library c:\program files\auran\ts2010/UserData/cache/libraries/d615b4d78c54b692.gsl (
? 0:26.3 : SCRIPT> >>>DataBundleHelper.Init>>> init databundlehelper libray v7 done.
? 0:50.8 : SCRIPT> <HTML><BODY><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width=1600><tr height=45><td>&nbsp</td></tr><tr height=54><td align=center><nowrap><font size=18><b><i>CONTENT UPDATES</i></b></font></nowrap></td></tr></table><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width='1600'><tr><td width=16> </td><td><table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0><tr><td><table width='100%'><tr><td width=9> </td><td width=16><a href='live://showhideauran/' tooltip='Show only Auran created Content Updates'><img src='fav-off.tga' mouseover='fav-mouseover.tga'></a></td><td width='56%'>Content Name <a href='live://sortby/1/up' tooltip='Sort list by name'><img src='sort-off.tga' mouseover='sort-mouseover.tga'></a></td><td>Created by <a href='live://sortby/2/down' tooltip='List is sorted by creator'><img src='sort-on.tga' mouseover='sort-mouseover.tga'></a></td></tr></table><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td><img src='info_border_topleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_topedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_topright.tga'></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_leftedge.tga' height=373></td><td bgcolor='#385765FF'><trainz-object style=browser id='listpane' height=373 width=1536></trainz-object></td><td><img src='info_border_rightedge.tga' height=373></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_bottomleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomright.tga'></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td><font size=5><b><i>Content Description:</font></i></b></td></tr><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td><img src='info_border_topleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_topedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_topright.tga'></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_leftedge.tga' height=181></td><td bgcolor='#385765FF'><trainz-object style=browser id='descpane' height=181 width=1536></trainz-object></td><td><img src='info_border_rightedge.tga' height=181></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_bottomleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomright.tga'></td></tr></table></td><td width=16> </td></tr></table><table width='1600'><tr height=90.000000><td width='16'> </td><td><table cellspacing=8><tr><td><a href='live://button/exit' tooltip='Go back to the Trainz main menu'><trainz-object style='button' id='exit' width=64 height=64 off='exit.tga' off-over='exit-mouseover.tga' off-down='exit-click.tga' off-down-over='exit-click.tga' on='exit.tga' on-over='exit-mouseover.tga' on-down='exit-click.tga' on-down-over='exit-click.tga'></trainz-object></a></td><td><font size='6'> <br><b><i>Back to Menu</i></b></font></td></tr></table></td><td width='288'><table cellspacing=8><tr><td><a tooltip='Select an update to download...'><img src='downloadupdate-disabled.tga' width=64 height=64></a></td><td><font size='6' color='#606060FF'> <br><i><b>Download Update</b></i></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></body></html>
? 1:06.8 : SCRIPT> <HTML><BODY><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width=1600><tr height=45><td>&nbsp</td></tr><tr height=54><td align=center><nowrap><font size=18><b><i>CONTENT UPDATES</i></b></font></nowrap></td></tr></table><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width='1600'><tr><td width=16> </td><td><table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0><tr><td><table width='100%'><tr><td width=9> </td><td width=16><a href='live://showhideauran/' tooltip='Show only Auran created Content Updates'><img src='fav-off.tga' mouseover='fav-mouseover.tga'></a></td><td width='56%'>Content Name <a href='live://sortby/1/up' tooltip='Sort list by name'><img src='sort-off.tga' mouseover='sort-mouseover.tga'></a></td><td>Created by <a href='live://sortby/2/down' tooltip='List is sorted by creator'><img src='sort-on.tga' mouseover='sort-mouseover.tga'></a></td></tr></table><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td><img src='info_border_topleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_topedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_topright.tga'></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_leftedge.tga' height=373></td><td bgcolor='#385765FF'><trainz-object style=browser id='listpane' height=373 width=1536></trainz-object></td><td><img src='info_border_rightedge.tga' height=373></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_bottomleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomright.tga'></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td><font size=5><b><i>Content Description:</font></i></b></td></tr><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td><img src='info_border_topleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_topedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_topright.tga'></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_leftedge.tga' height=181></td><td bgcolor='#385765FF'><trainz-object style=browser id='descpane' height=181 width=1536></trainz-object></td><td><img src='info_border_rightedge.tga' height=181></td></tr><tr><td><img src='info_border_bottomleft.tga'></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomedge.tga' width=1536></td><td><img src='info_border_bottomright.tga'></td></tr></table></td><td width=16> </td></tr></table><table width='1600'><tr height=90.000000><td width='16'> </td><td><table cellspacing=8><tr><td><a href='live://button/exit' tooltip='Go back to the Trainz main menu'><trainz-object style='button' id='exit' width=64 height=64 off='exit.tga' off-over='exit-mouseover.tga' off-down='exit-click.tga' off-down-over='exit-click.tga' on='exit.tga' on-over='exit-mouseover.tga' on-down='exit-click.tga' on-down-over='exit-click.tga'></trainz-object></a></td><td><font size='6'> <br><b><i>Back to Menu</i></b></font></td></tr></table></td><td width='288'><table cellspacing=8><tr><td><a tooltip='Select an update to download...'><img src='downloadupdate-disabled.tga' width=64 height=64></a></td><td><font size='6' color='#606060FF'> <br><i><b>Download Update</b></i></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></body></html>
? 1:58.7 : ScriptLog> GSRouter::Done(), 1 outstanding node(s)
? 1:58.8 : ** Packed Heap Summary **
? 1:58.8 : #TrackStretch - 0k unused, 0k used, 0k free
? 1:58.8 : #TrackVertex - 0k unused, 0k used, 0k free
? 1:58.8 : #SpatialContainer - 0k unused, 0k used, 0k free
? 1:58.8 : #MapObject - 0k unused, 0k used, 0k free
? 1:58.8 : StitchedMeshWorld - 0k unused, 0k used, 0k free
? 1:58.8 : #BlockArray - 0k unused, 0k used, 1023k free
? 1:58.8 : #GSContext - 0k unused, 0k used, 1023k free
? 1:58.8 : #GSMachine - 0k unused, 0k used, 1023k free
? 1:58.8 : FileSubArchive - 0k unused, 0k used, 1023k free
? 1:58.8 : #jetstd:: - 292k unused, 2k used, 728k free
? 1:58.8 : #StringData - 1413k unused, 1208k used, 449k free
? 1:58.8 : ** - **

Does this mean anything to anyone?
Link to YouTube video showing freezing in action

Hi All,
Not sure if it helps for you to see what I am talking about, but I have uploaded a 4 1/2 minute video showing the freezing I am talking about. The video is in YouTube and can be accessed at the following link

Cheers, Aaron
...not a mute point...

:cool: If you stay in cab, Trainz has less work to do caching is a locomotive simulation.
That seems pretty bad though.

Does the HDD light run continuously during one of the freezes?

P.S. When you added the nVidia card, did the shop completely clean out the ATI drivers? They have to be uninstalled and it's a good idea to run ccleaner to remove any remnants. Having old video drivers laying around doesn't help things.
Looking at yor computer specs I would think the HD3450 graphics card is the bottleneck. You don't say how much memory the graphics card has but it is probably only 256Mb.

I have no idea how to find this out, but using Google (again) I found a comparison table of the ATI Graphics Cards - it has 22 columns of information on each card. From the table I can see my card has a memory size of 256 / 512 MB. Sounds like you guys were right about it being the bottleneck!
So suggestions for a replacement card? 1GB 5800 series? Does this mean any model starting with 58XX that has at least 1Gb?
Sorry for the dumb questions!

I thought changing the settings made a difference, I was wrong! I just tried driving the Blue Comet On Avery - Drexel track and it was constantly bunny hopping (looked like a learner learning to drive a manual car)! Then it started freezing, then the whole program crashed. Can someone let me know if this sounds like a graphics card problem. If it is I will go get a new card tomorrow - I have checked my power supply unit and it is good for 550W so should be good for a new card.
Appreciate the help.

Just tried and again, and it is running pretty bad. Trying to change views is ridiculous - freezes really badly. At the point where it is unplayable - not sure why it worked better last night when nothing has changed...

I ran 2010 with an ATI 4850 without much of an issue so a 58xx series card should work (assuming you get one that had a 256 bit memory bus) Some cards are lower priced and have 64 or 128 bit buses and they bottleneck and dont perform really well.

I would go out on a limb and say a 256 bit board with 1 gb of ram either ATI or nvidia should give good performance. I base that on being able to run it fine with a 2 year old 4850 and running it now with the new gtx 560 ti...
Should run ok on that GTS 450, I get frame rates of 30 to 100 plus.

Drivers need updating from Nvidia, not the ones on the CD.
Check the Nvidia settings are on performance.
Need DirectX9c for the 450 if on Win7 otherwise DirectX only partially works, OpenGL performance is way down on Nvidia cards at the moment.

Check your screen resolution is at native in both Launcher options and in TrainzOptions.txt mine changed from 1440 x 990 to 800 x 600 when I installed the card and it ran like a slug, corrected it and all was ok.
There are still some things to check
1....Are you running a screen saver, if you are switch it to none.
2....Do you have a heavily cluttered computer...If so, try running a program that kills all the background programs that you don't need, there are plenty of free ones to try I use Game Booster.
3....Is both your anti virus and firewall, working with trainz or against it,....try running trainz with first the anti virus disabled then the firewall.... if there is a difference make sure trains is put in the accepted boxes of both. But don't forget to turn them back on again, what ever you do.
Hi,i feel if u can replace the speed trees with jvc 2d trees,u can get some better framerate without freezing,i guess though it says 4gb ram 2.40 as 256mb nvdia graphic card as min specs,it needs 6gb ram , 1gb graphic card for running smoothly,
im having all the min specs mentioned,im also gettng around 30fps,sometimes even low
Hi,i feel if u can replace the speed trees with jvc 2d trees,u can get some better framerate without freezing,i guess though it says 4gb ram 2.40 as 256mb nvdia graphic card as min specs,it needs 6gb ram , 1gb graphic card for running smoothly,
im having all the min specs mentioned,im also gettng around 30fps,sometimes even low

Shouldn't need to do that with that card and quad core processor, it's more than capable of handling most routes with or without speed trees.

May be better with a 64bit OS though.
Okay, I have now upgraded my graphics card (my local computer shop helped me choose one). The card is installed, and working, yet I am still having the game freeze during use. Does anyone know what could be causing this now?
The card I ended up getting is a Gigabyte GTS450, 1GB, GDDR5 - supposedly a decent card and quite capable of running TS2010 - yet something is still not right as it is freezing!!!! As always, any help is appreciated.
Cheers, Aaron

Did you ever change the PSU? Game freezing can be symptomatic of PSU problems.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Hi All,
Thanks for all the replies. I have stated going through your suggestions and will provide info on where I am up to.
So, first, are all the old ATI drivers removed - good question! How do I check? I have gone into Device Manager but it only show the current card. I also looked in Add or Remove programs but was not listed there either. If someone knows how I can check this let me know. I still have the old card so can put it back in if need be to uninstall the driver.
Second, have now turned off shadows.
Third, nVidia driver is the latest version from their website.
Forth, how do I check if the nVidia settings are on performance?
Fifth, I have direct x 11 not 9c - I have tried to find version 9c online but cannot. Does anyone have a link to this version so I can download it?
Sixth, screen resolution is the same for both.
Seventh, no screen saver is running, however, my wife does have a desktop slideshow running that changes the desktop background once every 30 minutes - should I turn this off?
Eighth, I have now used game booster to close any background programs.
Ninth, Trainz is on the trusted list for my firewall and anti virus.
Tenth, did not change the PSU as the guy at the computer shop assured me it would handle the card. It is a 550W and the card recommends at least 400W. If need be I will upgrade the PSU also.
So now to see how it runs!
The verdict, not great put playable. It now seems the route that I am having the biggest issue with is Avery-Drexel. All others are at least not freezing when I change view. Drexel is still freezing when changing views, and also when I try and save my progress. But hey, small victories!!!
Cheers, Aaron

PS just saw the thread re downloading direct x 9c! Doing it now. Will keep you all posted on how it goes.
Thanks again for all the help, it is greatly appreciated :D
Hi All,
Thanks for all the replies. I have stated going through your suggestions and will provide info on where I am up to.
So, first, are all the old ATI drivers removed - good question! How do I check? I have gone into Device Manager but it only show the current card. I also looked in Add or Remove programs but was not listed there either. If someone knows how I can check this let me know. I still have the old card so can put it back in if need be to uninstall the driver.
Second, have now turned off shadows.
Third, nVidia driver is the latest version from their website.
Forth, how do I check if the nVidia settings are on performance?
Fifth, I have direct x 11 not 9c - I have tried to find version 9c online but cannot. Does anyone have a link to this version so I can download it?
Sixth, screen resolution is the same for both.
Seventh, no screen saver is running, however, my wife does have a desktop slideshow running that changes the desktop background once every 30 minutes - should I turn this off?
Eighth, I have now used game booster to close any background programs.
Ninth, Trainz is on the trusted list for my firewall and anti virus.
Tenth, did not change the PSU as the guy at the computer shop assured me it would handle the card. It is a 550W and the card recommends at least 400W. If need be I will upgrade the PSU also.
So now to see how it runs!
The verdict, not great put playable. It now seems the route that I am having the biggest issue with is Avery-Drexel. All others are at least not freezing when I change view. Drexel is still freezing when changing views, and also when I try and save my progress. But hey, small victories!!!
Cheers, Aaron

PS just saw the thread re downloading direct x 9c! Doing it now. Will keep you all posted on how it goes.
Thanks again for all the help, it is greatly appreciated :D

for Nvidia performance setting,
go to nvidia control panel
under 3d settings -click adjust image settings with preview, there u can change to performance settings
Last edited:
Direct X 9c now installed, but definitely still having freezing issues on Drexel route. Have not tried all the other routs yet, but will let you know if I have issues with any of the others.
Hi All,
Thanks for all the replies. I have stated going through your suggestions and will provide info on where I am up to.
So, first, are all the old ATI drivers removed - good question! How do I check? I have gone into Device Manager but it only show the current card. I also looked in Add or Remove programs but was not listed there either. If someone knows how I can check this let me know. I still have the old card so can put it back in if need be to uninstall the driver.
Second, have now turned off shadows.
Third, nVidia driver is the latest version from their website.
Forth, how do I check if the nVidia settings are on performance?
Fifth, I have direct x 11 not 9c - I have tried to find version 9c online but cannot. Does anyone have a link to this version so I can download it?
Sixth, screen resolution is the same for both.
Seventh, no screen saver is running, however, my wife does have a desktop slideshow running that changes the desktop background once every 30 minutes - should I turn this off?
Eighth, I have now used game booster to close any background programs.
Ninth, Trainz is on the trusted list for my firewall and anti virus.
Tenth, did not change the PSU as the guy at the computer shop assured me it would handle the card. It is a 550W and the card recommends at least 400W. If need be I will upgrade the PSU also.
So now to see how it runs!
The verdict, not great put playable. It now seems the route that I am having the biggest issue with is Avery-Drexel. All others are at least not freezing when I change view. Drexel is still freezing when changing views, and also when I try and save my progress. But hey, small victories!!!
Cheers, Aaron

PS just saw the thread re downloading direct x 9c! Doing it now. Will keep you all posted on how it goes.
Thanks again for all the help, it is greatly appreciated :D

Freezing as in frozen forever and never moving again? Or just a pause?

From 2004 onward, every Trainz version can and mostly does seem to hiccup when changing scenes. Avery Drexel will do it to me with a core I 7 24 gigs of RAM and a 560 TI:D

That route is a bit overkill. I think they were trying to find out just how many speedtreez you could put on the baseboard without absolutely crashing Trainz.

When I put the external camera on, as the train comes around the curve and it changes scenes, it actually does go to zero frames for a second or two. Like I said I've seen it never version of Trainz, I don't even give it a second thought now…
for Nvidia sperm setting,
go to nvidia control panel
under 3d settings -click adjust image settings with preview, there u can change to performance settings

Something is not right here, when I open up nVidia control panel it only shows me storage info - not display...
Something is not right here, when I open up nVidia control panel it only shows me storage info - not display...

If you just go to your desktop, and right-click on your desktop background (make sure you're not on any icon) and select Nvidia control panel.

I just checked mine and it pops right up with the Nvidia control panel…
If you just go to your desktop, and right-click on your desktop background (make sure you're not on any icon) and select Nvidia control panel.

I just checked mine and it pops right up with the Nvidia control panel…

Just right clicked on my desktop - not any any icon - and my options are: view, sort by, refresh, paste, paste shortcut, undo delete, groove folder synchronization, next desktop background, new, screen resolution, gadgets, and finally personalize. There is no nVidia contol panel option, and like I said, when I open nVidia contol panel from the start menu it does not show any display options.