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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      Thank you for the reference, I've read through various threads and they all seem to either devolve into tangents or remain inconclusive...
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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      Thank you for the link! Just downloaded it and am about to give it a spin. And thank you for the initial reference!
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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      I get you. I re-learned how the FTP download works now, though I'm not making much progress at the moment. Problem is, there's obviously...
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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      Indeed, I got my start with 2009 but have since lost the disk. I spent more time in 2004 anyway, it is such a good game. I just set up...
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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      I gave this a shot. Removed the game entirely, re-installed on the C drive and let it do its thing in Program Files. It works! getting...
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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      How did you install the game? I kept all my files on the D: drive to save space, maybe the game didn't like that? I've also tried every...
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      NPminnetonka replied to the thread TRS2004 problems in 2024.
      Funnily enough, that's almost exactly what I was doing prior to the switch. I won't be heartbroken if it comes to that though.
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      I recently performed a wipe on my computer, and decided to completely restart my progress in Trainz. That being said, I installed the...
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