New Signature Size Poll

New Signature Size Poll

  • No Signature banners

    Votes: 8 5.4%
  • Current Size 468 x 60 (25 kbs)

    Votes: 38 25.7%
  • 480 x 100 (25 kbs)

    Votes: 68 45.9%
  • No size restrictions.

    Votes: 34 23.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Image weight and dimensions aside (although 480x100 sounds sensible), I think the main problem is that some people never adhered to the COC terms concerning banners in the past, and a certain few were allowed to get away with it.

I don't see this being any different this time around, and so I would suggest a piece of code that checks the dimensions of the banner when posting, and either displays a graphic stating the infringement, or resizes it the maximum allowed.
And there's no reason that this couldn't be done for screenshots either.


If we were allowed to use HTML one could go:

<IMG src="Image URL" width="##" height="##" />

but we aren't :(

If we were allowed to use HTML one could go:

<IMG src="Image URL" width="##" height="##" />

but we aren't :(

I mean as part of the Forum software.
That way it would be taken out of the hands of the users, and even if they have over-sized banners, they wouldn't be displayed any bigger than 480x100, or whatever the maximum size turns out to be.

On the other hand, the mods and Alan could just operate a zero-tolerance policy on offenders so that it was 1 rule for all, but it would need to be enforced, and that's where it's failed in the past.

480x100 gets my vote, 60 is a tad small, extra character allowance would be nice as well.

Wiley :)
Hi all

Just keep them with rates that us people that are on dial up can put with, some must also be done to inforce the rule about not quoting picture posts, when done too many times in one thread it makes reading thatcthread really slow fior me and others speciall;y if there hi-res.

If we have unlimited size restrictions for banners then how would the people who are on dial-up feel if they have to download a very large banner?

Remember not everybody has a broadband connection!

A signature is supposed to be similar to your non-virtual sig, something short and simple that seperates you from everyone else. Do you take a whole page of paper just to sign your name? Yeah, I don't agree with unlimited size sigs, I don't care if there is an option to turn them off or not. And I use broadband, not dial up. Also, I've seen forums that allow unlimited sigs, on a Starfleet Command forum, because of the unlimited sigs, I couldn't find anything I looked for because the sigs were bigger than the posts. Big sigs draw too much attention away from what is posted, a sig should compliment a post, not BE the post. Besides, if you want big sigs, there's already a topic for it. Screenshots.

I would ask that a couple of items be considered exceptions to sig rules.
1 - the way to include the old DLS green ticket shouldn't count in the sig.
2 - Any small image or even simple text link allowing someone to link to their homepage or team website, still within boundaries but in addition to the poster's individual sig.

As for fixing existing sigs, it is just like working with textures, there is plenty on information on how to resize textures, same general principles apply.
As for fixing existing sigs, it is just like working with textures, there is plenty on information on how to resize textures, same general principles apply.

The problem isn't that most people don't know how to fix their sigs to comply (those that don't can find plenty of help on here),
it's more a case of some flouting the rules for the sake of it.
I've seen some long-standing members go a couple of pixels over the limit just so they rebel, and it makes Auran look petty if they chase them up over it (which they generally don't).
It's the Internet equivalent of the Napoleon Complex. :D:D:D

Anyway, I notice that the Poll is now closed Alan.
Can we have a decision on this?
And how about getting your web guys to add resizing code to the banner area so that anything oversized is resized to the maximum the forum rules allow?

How 'bout no size restriction

StorkNest said:
A signature is supposed to be similar to your non-virtual sig, something short and simple that seperates you from everyone else. Do you take a whole page of paper just to sign your name? Yeah, I don't agree with unlimited size sigs, I don't care if there is an option to turn them off or not. And I use broadband, not dial up. Also, I've seen forums that allow unlimited sigs, on a Starfleet Command forum, because of the unlimited sigs, I couldn't find anything I looked for because the sigs were bigger than the posts. Big sigs draw too much attention away from what is posted, a sig should compliment a post, not BE the post. Besides, if you want big sigs, there's already a topic for it. Screenshots.

Apart from the problem with people still on dial up from the above (and I have voted for a set size not unlimited), the size of the signature seems (to me) to be set in such a way that it reflects a particular site you are interested in or an area that you maybe interested in. So instead of calling it a signature it should be called a "Banner", however having said that I still agree with a reasonable size. I personally think PVincent342 size is "around" the maixmum size I would go for, mainly becuse of my Monkey which I have used for a number of years :p . The coments from storknest are still very valid though and quite correct.

For those who do not know my Monkey here he is only an example though.



P.S. For many years I have also signed off with Craig and three smilies as above and I have not seen any other person do this :):):)
For those who do not know my Monkey here he is only an example though.


See this is where the system falls down.

It would be a crime to lose Craig's monkey.
I think it's been here longer than me!!! :D

I propose that the system is based on the amount of pixels used rather than constant height and widths.

For example, the 480x100 example, which is reasonable size, uses 48,000 pixels, as would a 100x480 pixel picture.
Craig's monkey uses just over half that, yet it still breaks the limits of size.

So a system where you have 48,000 pixels to use, with say a height restriction of 200 to stop people from creating a banner 10x4800, and the community could enjoy Craig's monkey a little while longer.

Let common sense prevail. :)

See this is where the system falls down.

It would be a crime to lose Craig's monkey.
I think it's been here longer than me!!! :D

I propose that the system is based on the amount of pixels used rather than constant height and widths.

For example, the 480x100 example, which is reasonable size, uses 48,000 pixels, as would a 100x480 pixel picture.
Craig's monkey uses just over half that, yet it still breaks the limits of size.

So a system where you have 48,000 pixels to use, with say a height restriction of 200 to stop people from creating a banner 10x4800, and the community could enjoy Craig's monkey a little while longer.

Let common sense prevail. :)

Now that make a lot of sence. The only thing I would like to add is restrict the width so someone doesn't have a banner 4800x10. Then your right back to the size restrictions like 480x100. Here is an idea. No taller than 200 pixel, no wider than 600 pixel, file size no larger than 25k or not to exceed 48,000 pixels total. Maybe make the width a little smaller but you get the general idea but not to exceed any of those maximums. It's a thought.

Should I start a Poll with the question being;

Do you support Craig's Monkey :p



Also, my Monkey has been very upset with me for many years as I have never thought of a suitable name :p

Thankfully Alan is willing to listen to what we want. Unfortunately the powers that be dont, I have requested several good changes to the forum and non of them have come to pass. So I doubt that this one will either.
Thankfully Alan is willing to listen to what we want. Unfortunately the powers that be dont, I have requested several good changes to the forum and non of them have come to pass. So I doubt that this one will either.
I have to agree with you.
We still don't have the equivalent of the old forums' "flatcar" that shows which products have been registered by the poster (which is why I only help people that I either know from the old forums, or people who have been able to download from the DS, hence obviously registered).

Also, it would only take a few seconds to add the equivalent of the old DS ticket to the drop-down menu that you get when you click the posters name.
I know it's easy enough to add the same thing to our banner/signature area, but that's not really the point is it?

I think since the forums were hastily taken down last year, Auran have done very little to regain the confidence of the Trainz community.
Let's not forget, I've been a staunch supporter of Auran and the Trainz brand for a long time, giving up many, many hours of my free time to help Beta Test it, helping people whenever I can, and spreading the word about this great sim, as I know many others have, but even I find it hard not to be concerned at Auran's apparent lack of interest in the Trainz community right now.

I guess it's the little things that make the difference, and I just don't see them around here anymore.

Negative sounding post?
Well, maybe.
But if the truth sounds negative, you shouldn't be looking to shoot the messenger.

480 x 100 (25 kbs) is my preferred option though surely for the likes of Craig's Monkey exceptions could be made if only through prior approval by the powers that be via the help desk
Regards, Bob V
But if the truth sounds negative, you shouldn't be looking to shoot the messenger.

I have the feeling that Auran (or other) is doing a crackdown on critisism. Perhaps they feel that it causes "negative vibes". However, I also feel that the "red tape" they've been laying down for all of us has caused more "negative vibes" than the critisism.

Just my 2 Cents worth.

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