New Signature Size Poll

New Signature Size Poll

  • No Signature banners

    Votes: 8 5.4%
  • Current Size 468 x 60 (25 kbs)

    Votes: 38 25.7%
  • 480 x 100 (25 kbs)

    Votes: 68 45.9%
  • No size restrictions.

    Votes: 34 23.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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480 x 100 (25 kbs) is my preferred option though surely for the likes of Craig's Monkey exceptions could be made if only through prior approval by the powers that be via the help desk
Regards, Bob V

I do agree that some signatures could be 'grandfathered' in.

I vote for 480x100. This manages to be large enough for details, but small enough not to be larger than most posts. :)

New signature size

I prefer the 480 x 100. The slightly taller height will give better detail than the 60 high. Keeps the signature from being squashed and hard to read at times.


And now? The poll has been closed. We have a result.
Will the CoC be changed?
And now? The poll has been closed. We have a result.
Will the CoC be changed?
I mentioned that the poll was closed nearly 2 weeks ago on the previous page of this thread, but nothing has been said by Auran since.

I am beginning to suspect that they only have one Internet PC at Auran HQ, and that's why we hardly hear from them. :D:D:D

Don't see the point of the poll if Auran aren't going to get involved.

The point of the poll was to gauge the general opinion of the signature size limitations. Quite succesful really. Thanks to everyone who voted.
If we have unlimited size restrictions for banners then how would the people who are on dial-up feel if they have to download a very large banner?

Remember not everybody has a broadband connection!


Remember not everybody is smart enough to disable signatures in there user control panel! :D
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The point of the poll was to gauge the general opinion of the signature size limitations. Quite succesful really. Thanks to everyone who voted.

Seeing as only around 25% of the community actually agree with the current size limit, is there any chance Auran could take this poll into account?

If not, what was the point in posting it?

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