new parking meters


since 10 Aug 2002
After due process, the city fathers decided that on-street parking meters would be installed on selected streets. It would bring in some extra revenue as well as limit all-day parking.


close up of the meter that was finally chosen


typical installation with some early customers

To save on installation costs, double headed meters have also been ordered but production delays mean that they will not be available right away.
Hey MartinVK!

I love your new meters. They have them in my city. When you mean "Double-Headed".... you mean two meters on one post?

Isaac Grove
Great item!!:wave:

Do you have one that comes attached to sidewalks?:)


@Isaacg: Yes, two parking meters on one post. Half the posts and half the coin boxes too.

@Ish6: They will be both splines and single objects. The sidewalk you see in the picture is a separate item.
The gnomes have been working overtime and were able to get the first samples of the double headed parking meters out for testing.

close up


Once the testing is completed, there are plans to produce enough for everyone who wants some. :)
Mayor Hibbard,

Get your City of Clearwater Downtown streetscape accesory inventory ready!


:) They're wonderful!

Great work. I have just one small nit though. In most cities that I have been in, the parking meters are on the street side of the sidewalk, not on the business side. The timers, however, can be seen from both sides to allow meter readers to see them as they pass either in scooters, or on foot.

Not to worry, the parking meters are not part of the sidewalk, they are both separate objects and splines, so you can place them where ever they should be in your map. Locally, our individual parking meters have just about all been replaced by central pay stations. Each parking spot is now designated by a post with a parking sign near the building side of the sidewalk. That marker also doubles as a bicycle attachment post.
The gnomes have been working overtime and were able to get the first samples of the double headed parking meters out for testing.

close up


Once the testing is completed, there are plans to produce enough for everyone who wants some. :)

How much would a meter weight, anyone?:wave: :hehe:

Probable about 150 pounds! get it? pounds (?) sorry bad joke!. erm... seriously. Not anywheer neer 1 tonne probably less than 1/4 I would say about 1/5 of a tonne

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Probable about 150 pounds! get it? pounds (£) sorry bad joke!. erm... seriously. Not anywheer neer 1 tonne probably less than 1/4 I would say about 1/5 of a tonne


I checked Google and got estimate more or less!!

They weigh as much as the have to, and not an ounce more. Really, are you worried that your sidewalks won't take the load?

Oh, it's a joke, right? ha ha:wave:
Thanks for making these, not only will I use them but I won't get anymore parking tickets!:wave:

Great job!

They weigh as much as the have to, and not an ounce more. Really, are you worried that your sidewalks won't take the load?

Oh, it's a joke, right? ha ha:wave:

Indeed my friend ...

Actually I made the Parking Meters into products -- these you can't see -- they are invisible -- only the queue log will show them when they load and unload -- I did make reference to your parking meter static items on the cpd so those who download knows that there are static objects!!



PS: I was testing other products as well ... ehheehe lol