New Modules Kit -B-NS-01 by Urgul


New member
I have downloaded some of these modules and they are very nice but the tracks do not show up because I have missing content namely
Kuid's 50722:38001 50722:38013

Would anyone be able to direct me to these downloads?
I hope urgul will reads this post.

Thanks to all.
I also downloaded those routes some time ago. He is using a French version of Trainz and those are built in assets. There is no way in getting those items. I tried deleting them and had no luck. I also tried replacing those with other assets and that did not work. Hope you have more luck then I did.

Thanks guys

Ok I'll try some tricks and see what happens maybe I can delete the missing objects and lay new tracks if not I'll just move on:)

Thanks again.
I have success Changed the track to mp wood and it worked fine.
I first installed new track over the original by locating the splines next to the original ones and when I finished I just deleted the missing objects and the old track was gone and the new track was fine.
I thought I could do this from previous experiance.
So there you are if you want to use these modules you can with a little effort.

Thanks to All.