New images of MSTS 2

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Thanks. The renders are nice, but the renders are nice for every game. I'll be interested to see how they look in game, if, and only if I don't have to install Vista.
Thanks. The renders are nice, but the renders are nice for every game. I'll be interested to see how they look in game, if, and only if I don't have to install Vista.

AFAIK, MSTS2 will be a "Games for Windows" release and will not run on Windows XP or earlier.

I've seen better looking rolling stock for MSTS 1. (And it was free, and could run on XP.[and Linux, if you really work at it for a while])
Unfortunatly, Vista is going to be the system that everybody is going to. Microsoft is working on phasing out XP, and has even said they will discontinue support not to long from now. I bought a new computer in August, and Vista isn't all that bad. It just takes a little time getting use to. As for MSTSII. I can't wait. I'll be happily chugging away with the GEVOs the day it hits the shelves.
The locomotives/rolling stock are great. Hopefully we can get some Amtrak rolling stock and motive power on the MSTS 2 website as well!
I'm with Ed. I'll be one of those last holdouts against VISTA. I'm a big believer in the old adage 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. My XP ain't broke, so I guess I won't be investing in MSTS 2. Doesn't matter, I never invested in MSTS 1.
I have to say I am not as impressed as initially with those in game shots. I could make any one of those shots in the same amount of detail in Trainz! Proves once again how timeless it is and what a great job Auran have done
You seem to think that M$ can just force everyone to switch to Vista. I still run 2000 Pro and you think just because M$ discontinues support that everyone will move to Vista. M$ wishes that it could happen, but it won't. This is why they are using MSTS2 as a carrot to lure people to switch. NO thank you.
I;m stickin with XP. And MSTS Never really grabbed my attention once i got into trainz.... And ive played it so I can say this fairly. So Im stayin Xp and Trainz
That's fine everyone, but this was not suppose to change anyone's mind about Windows Vista or Xp. Heck how on earth did this thread turn into a debate on who is sticking with Vista or Xp? This was only created to show people's opinions on the shots taken from MSTS 2. I'm not trying to be mean, but I just wondering how everyone here kind of got off topic here.:confused: :( :confused:
I don"t think anyone had any probs with the quality of the Builtin routes or rolling stock of Msts.However IMO they were only "as good as" Trainz.The problem was the near impossibility of creating your OWN routes.Has this been solved in Msts 2?If not it"ll be as big a waste of money as Msts...:(
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