New hardware

But, one question still remains: what about shadows? The way I see it, there's not much point in having T:ANE if one cannot run it with dynamic shadows.

Should I wait for a few more hotfixes and patches?


You'll see shadows fine. :)

I have a 780Ti which is the next card up in the series, and the highest of the 780s outside of the overly expensive Titans.
Not quite, JCitron, a 780Ti is significantly faster than the 750Ti, by quite a large margin in fact. You're forgetting the 760, 770 and 780 that came between these two cards.

Not quite, JCitron, a 780Ti is significantly faster than the 750Ti, by quite a large margin in fact. You're forgetting the 760, 770 and 780 that came between these two cards.


That's right, Jack. I did forget the other cards, but still the 750 should play the game fine. I know someone who has one and it's a nice performer; much better than the comparable 600s that preceded it.
Bellow are the FRAPS FPS results with T:ANE patched to 78667 on my new Dell XPS 8700. I am happy with the results. Essentially NO jerkiness on Hinton. Default T:ANE settings except as mentioned. It has the 4th (newest) generation i5 CPU with 256 KB L2 cache and "up to" 8 MB L3 cache. System chipset is Intel Z87. 12G of RAM. GTX745 4g video card. 1600x900 60Hz.
This is at Hinton's "Avis Yard Work" opening scene.

Maximum draw distance and Ultra 4096 shadows: 5 fps
Maximum draw distance and Ultra 2048 shadows: 5 fps
Minimum draw distance and Ultra 4096 shadows: 13 fps
Midrange draw distance and Low 2048 shadows: 18 fps
Minimum draw distance and Low 2048 shadows: 25 fps
Midrange draw distance and no shadows: 27 fps (typically 20-25 fps while driving)
Minimum draw distance and no shadows: 36 fps

Hinton puts quite a load on a PC. Note that Kickstarter Country "Fosil Fuels" at midrange draw distance and no shadows is 32 fps at the opening scene.

When I hook up the old PC to transfer routes and such, I will make some fps readings for comparison. For now the old system specs are listed below.

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I hooked up the old (XPS8000 GTX 550Ti) PC again and ran fps tests on T:ANE 78667. The results are not as good as I had expected.

Yes, I understood that the GTX745 is a far less than optimal card and I would have opted for a better one if Dell had given me that option. The results are mixed at best.
Midrange draw distance and no shadows: XPS8000 GTX 550Ti 1G = 30 fps vs XPS8700 GTX745 4G = 27 fps.
Midrange draw distance and Low 2048 shadows: XPS8000 GTX 550Ti 1G = 15 fps vs XPS8700 GTX745 4G = 18 fps.
So you see the new Win 10 PC is better with shadows but worse without compared to the old Win 7 PC. However the minor hesitations are all but gone with the new PC.
I will use the new PC and will upgrade the video card sooner than I had expected.
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