Well another update on this route....I have made this route a lil longer then I wanted to...I have now made it go all the way down to Bensenville IL where the big CP yard is...I also added Schiller Park for the WC's intermodal trains....
Tonights train was the WC T219 that was just about to leave Schiller Park...Its about 1am and he just got a clear to head out to the main on onto the CP....Normally this train does not run on the CP but seeing that I am modeling the CP...I made this train run on the CP all the way up to Duplainville and then back onto the WC line and head up to Green Bay
Here are the pix:
T219 is just about ready to pull from Schiller Parks yard...The airport is in the back
With a highball from the dispatcher....T219 heads north
Heading across the CP mainline at Bensenville
Some of T219's cars
Treading its train thru downtown Bensenville to get on the CP mainline at a whopping 15 MPH...Once it hits the CP mainline...Its time to highball like grease lightning
Now on the CP mainline its time to make up some time
At Duplainville T219 hops off the CP and onto home rails of the WC...Now it will make it up thru Fondy and then onto Green Bay
Thats all for now...Will get some day light trains 2morrow and some shots around Milwaukee on the UP and WSOR in town......
Till next time :wave: