Need Help With Making Routes From DEM Maps


Trainz Veteran
I need some help with DEM Maps I don't know how do make the route oh and the route is called Melb to Bairnsdale it is 4 parts so if i can have some help that will be good.

P.S. I've currently got the flu so I might not be on for a while.
If this is Bairnsdale, Vic, Australia, then the recommended tutorial (HOG, MicroDEM, USGS DEMs, TIGER) won't help much, since it's US oriented.

For Victoria, data sources for DEM would be NASA SRTM (3 arc sec).

Reagarding maps we have several options, including scanned topo maps, the Victoria geo-data web portal, Victoria WMS via US Navy proxy, or map tile servers like Google Maps or MS Virtual Earth. Ortho-imagery could be Google Earth.

You could still go for a HOG/MicroDEM approach if you are think you are fit enough to create the map overlays yourself. You should also have a look at MapMaker. Both are free tools. But they leave all the work of preparing the maps to you. If you have some knowledge of coordinate systems and map projections you could give this a try.

The easiest way would be TransDEM. That's payware, though. See here or links in signature for further info on TransDEM.
