Need a little help


Old and Slow
Hello all,

(I'm a newbie) I purchased Trainz 2004 (Version 2.4 - Build 2365) off the shelf a couple of years ago. My computer wouldn't run it at the time. (video card) I'm disabled and money is a factor. I recently purchased and installed a new video card. I downloaded and installed the latest chipset drivers and the latest video card drivers.

The game runs very well on my PC (User Built)

I just joined planet auran. I was building my first layout in surveyor and I have a lot of crossings but no roads to speak of. I went to the download station and downloaded some roads from the "Pre - Service Pak 3" section and saved them on my harddrive in a folder that I named "Trainz Downloads". Maybe I need service pack 3 - not sure yet.

When I click on the installation file for the roads, I get a message that "Trains is not installed on this machine. Please install trains before using this installer" - (maybe not the exact wording but pretty much it).

I uninstalled Trainz and reinstalled it. It's up and running once again just fine. However, I'm still getting the same message when I try to run the installer software from the user file download.

Sure would like to have a few roads for the autos on my layout.

Thank you very much (in advance) for any help or ideas to resolve this little situation.

Ps. I have asked about this through the help desk, but have not yet received a reply. I also did a search in the forum here but I didn't find anything on it or didn't do a proper search. :o
Hi the pre service pack 3 content only worked on the original 1.1 trainz before it was upgraded to 1.3 service pack 3 content.
I think this is why you are getting that message.
There are plenty of roads for TRS2004 or UTC and even 1.3 you should try downloading 04 content.
Since you are at Build 2365 you are at the final build for 04 so don't try to upgrade it, as I said earlier service pack 3 was for the 1.3 original trainz.
Thank you, very much. I had supposed that I didn't need service pack 2 when my build number didn't match any of the downloadable build numbers. You just confirmed my thoughts on that.

I'll try downloading some other roads. Again, many thanks for your fast and helpful reply.

Top of the day to You! :)
You are welcome, I did not want you trying to update your build with the wrong pack as this would have caused it not to work .
One thing to remember is that the installer is looking for that particular version of Trainz. Now if you have Winrar, you can extract the files from that installer and then copy or move them into your trainz folder/s. I have done this before very successfully. Albeit, if you want to use this content on a route that you plan on sharing with others, you have to let them know about it and how to get it to work.
Thanks, I'll just be happy with a few roads designated for 2004. :) Besides, I doubt that anyone would want to take a chance at running on my little line anyways.

I think that it's fair to assume from what robbin hoods said, that since I have the last build of 2004 that I don't need service pak 3 either.

I should just have fun and download stuff that designated for 04 by checking the 04 box in download station. Am I correct?
One more question, now that I have downloaded some roads packs for my version of trainz. Where should I extract the files in order for them to be usable in the objects folder in my surveyor? (This might be a stupid question.) Right now they're in a folder that I created.

Edited to add: Hummm, I just found that the files are listed in a program called content manager, but not sure what to do with them. Time for some more searching and reading.
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If they are .cdp files a simple double click on the file and they should install in the correct place.

I found the files in- (Path) Program files - Auran - TRS2004 - world - dispatcher - downloads

However, I can't find them in: surveyor - objects - all

Just wanted some
Is it 2004 v2.2 build 2285 or v2.4 build 2370. If it is the first try downloading service pack 4. On the DLS use the download helper this places your downloads so they appear in surveyor.:)
Thanks Stationbeem, It's (Version 2.4 - Build 2365) I'll keep trying. I'm not an easy giver upper. I just have chronic pain to deal with on an on going basis so I have to alternate sitting, standing, lying down etc. and computering. I work at it a little while and take breaks often. When the barometric pressure is is below 30 (which is nearly all summer) my breaks tend to have to be longer.

I'm going to get this though. Thank you all for your help. This game is pretty fun. (it can be a decent escape, too.) > smile

Years ago when I was much younger I worked as a brakeman for Southern Railway (prior to the merge w/ Northfolk Western) When it was "Southern Serves the South" and "Southern Gives a Green Light to Innovation". All those slogans.

That might be half of what's wrong with me now. Jumping up and down from moving trains every day can take a toll. ;)
AHa! I got it! Yea!....I was looking in objects for my roads. I found them in "spline mode". What a deal. :o I had them. I just wasn't looking in the correct place.

Thanks all! No more questions.......Yeah right...Well at least for right now.

There is one thing. It seems that some (if not all) of the engines in the surveyor, brake differently than the engines in the scenarios. (In cab mode)

Hitting the "A" key in the scenarios will immeadiately apply the train brake (air brake).

When I hit the "A" key for the engines in surveyor the brake doesn't immeadiately apply, but rather goes to "initial". It takes quite a few more taps on the A key to get an "application" This is not very realistic, plus (for me) it makes stopping much more difficult.

I suppose my next project is to find out how and if I can change those setting to match the engines in the scenarios. (which actually mimmic real life train braking much more accurately.

But I did say no more questions for now.....:eek: Ha!