The same storm system hit my location also, it was all snow blizzard cyclone and wind. 100mph direct winds, knocked down a 8 foot section of my wood fence, and blew the chimney ash/rain steel cover (50lbs) off my chimney top, right into the street, bent it all up too. It was bolted onto the chimney too. Must have gotten loose from heat expansion/contraction.
The wall that was getting the brunt of the direct wind was slightly shaking at times...
But my greenhouse survived perfectly fine. (although I did put in 8 mortared-in poles that were sold as pound into the ground mounts, but i knew better, lots of wind here.) (colorado)
The double pane panels rattled lots, but the metal frame was rock solid! No panels came loose, neither did the clips that held them in place. The doors rattled lots also, so I placed some wood against them.
I normally bungee the top windows closed when not in use, otherwise the wind makes them rattle from the small clearance their arms allow, im sure they would have been trying to open without bungees!
I was in the middle of trying to find a long enough screw to shore up the fence, but it blew down before I could get out there!
When I was out there, I couldn't stand at times, was being pushed so hard, I was skiing/sailing? for a few feet on the snow/ice/rain covered grass.
THANKS FARMTEK!;;pg103967_103967.html
I hope nothing happened to the UP rail-yard in Cheyenne, Wyo, UP loco #4014 has a hot date on may 4th 2019.