Greetings. I am trying to work with Dinorius Redundicus' Patagonia DEM, which is actually the Columbia Gorge area near Mount Hood. There is a water level for the Columbia River itself, which I can adjust so that the banks provide the space for the highways, freeways and track rights-of-way for the trains along the river. But is the water limited to one level? I had hoped to go up the hill and create a stream flowing down to the river, but when I try to add water in the DEM channel, nothing shows up, so I am guessing it is putting it under the surface level where it matches the river? There are also ponds in the low spots along the tracks, but it does not appear that I can control the level of those in order to look correct? Or I guess I need to terraform the ground in order for it to look correct? Still left with the original issue which is putting water in higher up in elevation. Is there a way to start higher up and bring water down to the river? Being the Columbia gorge there are going to be plenty of these. Thanks for any tips!