Nearly ready to give up on trying


New member
:'( Ok 1st off hello all i'm an oldish member but this is my 1st post. ok on to my "problem". Ihave tranz 2004 I have been constructing routes for along time but none have ever worked (yes I know feel free to laugh now lol).
The prob i have is none of my consists will follow my speed limits, all i ever get is half the posted limit, I have read as much as i can find on the problem but it seems to be me doing something wrong, at first I thought I was miss laying down track but after reading around i have followed all the rules that all u clever guys have stated. So I thought then maybe its because I was using double tracks and cross overs so I have made a route that is basicly a circle with just one single track but still my trains will not follow my limits all i get is half speed so I have placed directional marks on every section to see if i had made the normal mistake of placing a part the wrong way but they all came out facing the correct direction. any idea's or anyone willing to take a look, the route is unfinished as i want to get it running correctly b4 i put any more than just my stations down.
Hello Robocop152
This sounds like the old ive not got enough signals question. Speed signs are only the max speed that a train will do, signals control the speed of trains between signals dependant on what lies ahead. You need three signals between your train and the next train (on a circle your train is also the next train). The train will look in the block between signals for other trains and this will include crossovers in some cases. Any caution signal or lack of signal for long distances can cause the driver to be cautious and drive at half speed. If the problem still exists i would be willing to look at it for you.
Sounds like a signalling problem. If there are no signals, or signals are set up improperly, trains will only maintain about half the speed limit. Place more signals in both directions. I have no clue how signalling works in the UK, so I couldn't be of any help with that. If you're route is in dark territory (no electronic signals) download invisible signals from the DLS. They function just as a normal signal placement, but, they're invisible.
Hi RC,

I am probably as unknowledgeable of Train general workings as you are, but you mentioned you are running a circular route.

I assume you have speedsign's scattered about so for signalling if we imagine we have a straight with a consist pulling away from us:

Time1: -------------....-----------....----------....--T1-------....---Your train-stopped---
Time2:-------------....-----------....----T1------....---------....---Your train-½speed---
Time3:-------------....---T1--------....----------....---------....---Your train-½speed---
Time4:------T1-------....-----------....----------....---------....---Your train-full speed---

Simplistic, yes, but on your oval do you have at least 4 signal's between the front and the rear of your train??

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when I say its curcler (excuse spelling) what I ment was its a large route and has plenty of bends its not a circle, circle if u know what i mean, what i ment was that there is no dead end stop to the track it goes round the whole route and ends at he same place as the start
Circular refers to the logical shape not the physical shape. As you mentioned, when your train continues in the same direction, it ends up back at the starting point, that's a circular route.

As was mentioned before, you need signals to control the Trainz. Until you get the hang of it, it can be one of the more frustrating parts of your Trainz experience. But if you persist and get it working, the satisfaction of watching the AI follow a route you predetermined is great. :cool:

For most of my routes I use only four basic types of signals:

Diverging right
Diverging left

I also use some dwarf signals where needed. The diverging signals also come with different maximum speed versions but I'm not sure if that is only a visual thing or actually affects the game play.

With those, I can control the AI with high degree of confidence. If you were to ask if my signaling is prototype, probably not. I place them to make it work in Trainz
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Sorry to be a pain but could u give me an explaintion of what those signals look like and what they do as i'm still learning train terminology, cheers.
Ok, here goes.

In the first picture, you see a Permissive 49267:24000, followed by a Diverging left 49267:24004, followed by the junction motor, followed by the junction itself.

Beyond the junction, the diverging route has a Permissive followed in the distance by a bufffer 70337:23043:1
Since the junction is set for the diverging route, the speed [4] is shown and the next signal is yellow because every buffer is automatically a red signal.

The next picture shows a Permissive 49267:24000, followed by a Diverging right 49267:24003, followed by the junction motor, followed by the junction itself.

Beyond the junction, the diverging route has a Permissive followed in the distance by a bufffer 70337:23043:1
Since the junction is set for the straight through route, the speed [4] (40 kph) is NOT shown and the next signal is yellow because every buffer is automatically a red signal.

The last picture shows above from the other end but with the junction set for the diverging route. A Diverging right 49267:24003 is on the diverging route. On the straight through route there is an absolute signal 49267:24006 because this must NOT be passed if it is red like in this example.

Beyond the junction, a Permissive followed in the distance by a buffer 70337:23043:1

Except at junctions, most of the signals I use on long tracks are the Permissive type. Here all the distances between signals have been compressed for illustration purposes. Usually I place anywhere from 800 to 1600 m between signals but this can be changed if local circumstances dictate (visibility, sight distances, track speed). One thing that must always be done is to place the track junction, junction motor and signal in that order with the motor on the edge of the junction circle. If this is not done, the motor and or signal might not work.

===(//) motor === signal ===

Hope this helps.
Ok all thanks for the very fast reply and the overwhelming offers of help i will try and put all this info to good standing and see if i can manage it lol, again thanks all