N3V misleading Advertising.

I read the advertisement, and my only complaint was that they could have at least added, "...and if you act now, we will throw in a set of Japanese Ginsu knives absolutely free...all you need to do is pay extra to cover the shipping and handling...";)

Classic quote!!!:hehe:

Edit: I just checked and there are nearly 23,000.

That's a lot!:D

S...someone seems to miss the concept of a bucket list...
Yes, truly. That's what happens upon responding when dead tired and not really thinking. Actually, I lost my bucket (along with the list) a long time ago; now, I feel blessed when my feet hit the floor each morning...

...Vietnam is also a popular tourist destination these days. Perhaps you intended North Korea which definitely isn't on my bucket list...
I'm still stuck in the 60's...
What is the point of your post ?
Read the post and work out the point of my post, unlike N3V's advertising, my post is pretty clear, its about misleading advertising by N3V.

I think it would make more sense if 'FREE' was replaced by 'FASTER', and 'GET ACCESS TO' with 'DOWNLOAD'.
Well said, that's all that is required.

For those that haven't quite figured it out yet, income from selling FCT's helps keep N3V doors open. (As I call it, "helps keep the wolfs away from the back door")!!! I mean, we do want to keep the wolf away, don't we???

Personally, I haven't got any problem with this particular bit of their advertising. A FCT ticket being discounted down to the equivalent of .47c a day. wow. IMHO, that very reasonable for what speed you can download & what content you've got access too...

Cheers, Mac...
You have missed the point of the thread, but you have made a valid point that a FCT helps keep N3V's door open. The truth is, you don't have to spend .47c a day to download from the DLS, it is free.

I once spent an hour in NZ (a long story). I am sure that most of the people there are friendly and, I would hope, less "literal" than the OP!
I am sure that most of the people there are friendly and, I would hope, less "literal" than the OP![/QUOTE]At the end of the day, BS covered in chocolate is still BS isn't it. Maybe you like the chocolate version. Lets make assumptions too ah, it took an hour for you in immigration before being deported on the next flight? You need to clear immigration before it is considered entry into NZ!

you know, if I saw this:

and I'd never used trainz before or was so new I didn't know how to use the DLS, I would assume FCTs are required for access to download all that stuff. It certainly seems to be implying that you need an FCT. The wording on this seems really poor to me, I agree with OP here. My 2 cents.

Thank you, not for agreeing with me, but for looking at it and interpreting it in the way it was wrote as you saw it, and I bet there are a lot of other people who see it like that as well. Some of whom have now probably been duped into buying a FCT thinking they now have access to download 16,000 locos - which they have always had access to download without the purchase of a FCT.

That is why it is misleading.
Did you also make a note regarding my point as well? It's not free if you haven''t got a supported version of Trainz.
