My New Route (Large Pictures)

Looks like a great start! I have your Full CSX Route off of National Trains and love it! Any chance you've updated/expanded that route since it was originally posted?
Lokking good so far man! Just curoius, but what are the red and bluw streaks on the layout for? Never seen stuff like that before, except when I tried to make a volcano and used the red paint. Didn't work so well, but whatever, lol
Again, great layout!:D
Thanks, The teal lines are for the RR Track, the Red Lines Stand for Roads, and the Blue lines represent rivers or creeks.
Aha. Good idea, so you can see were everything will go. Sorta like drawing out a layout on paper before you actually build it, eh?
May I ask what "Trainz Tunner" is?

Ps: Very nice job there! Looks like its going to look great when done!
Lookin' good. Yes...Trainz Tuner is a very good utility. The draw distances are nice and stable. Keep going! :)
