My new card


You! Off my planet.
Problems with my ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro (I kept getting the Blue Screen with a driver from it, even after System Restore and updates) forced me to ditch it. Anyone have any suggestions for a new one? Mind you it has to be half height/low profile. I don't want another HD 2400, BTW.

Right now, I am running my old 128 MB ATI Radeon X1300. It is somewhat better than integrated, but I want something better, preferably something with 256 MB of memory or more.

Any suggestions would help. Currently, I am considering this:

Also, It has to be under $200, and I don't care if it is ATI or NVidia, I JUST WANT A NEW CARD!!!!!!:hehe:
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First of all what version drivers were you running with the HD2400? Some of their drivers were pretty sketchy. 8.1 drivers seem to be fairly stable.

I wouldn't bother with the X1600's if you have PCI-e, they were slow to begin with and the Pro was no exception.

Under $200? Easy

in terms of good cards for the price ATI has the market cornered, there just aren't any good nVidia cards within the $200 range.

before you buy though give the ATI HD2400 another try. Download the latest drivers, (be sure the older drivers are gone).
Just curious but how big is your powersupply?
Problems with my ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro (I kept getting the Blue Screen with a driver from it, even after System Restore and updates) forced me to ditch it. Anyone have any suggestions for a new one? Mind you it has to be half height/low profile. I don't want another HD 2400, BTW.

Right now, I am running my old 128 MB ATI Radeon X1300. It is somewhat better than integrated, but I want something better, preferably something with 256 MB of memory or more.

Any suggestions would help. Currently, I am considering this:

Also, It has to be under $200, and I don't care if it is ATI or NVidia, I JUST WANT A NEW CARD!!!!!!:hehe:

Dig in the forum and look for driver cleaning software. Clean out all traces of the old driver. Check to see if your motherboard has any new drivers available, reinstall the 2400, update the drivers. It should then work.

Personnally I would reinstall windows from scratch with the 2400 card installed. Run windows update then reinstall Trainz. Check the card first with directX drivers then with OpenGL. Might be worth while checking anyway ATI generally runs better on directx Traniz default in normally OpenGL.

Cheerio John
I am running a HD2400PRO on my HP +6000 and am using vista home deluxe version and have had no problems with it. Have had updates from microsoft for video drivers and it works well. Now it is not a gaming video card but does give me a 3.7 on system rating chart. Rest of computer runs at 5.5 to 5.9. I just run the drivers that came with my system and any updates that came through microsoft. The version is 815.2142.36937. Did the card run ok before?
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First of all, sorry for the late response (At school:( )

So I did everything you guys said, exept for reinstalling Windows. I couldn't get the OS drivers, and I don't have the initial CD from my computer. I even tried different drivers, but the 8.15 whatever drivers seemed to delay the blue screen the longest. I even tried in Safe Mode to play my games, but I can't stand the Safe Mode. It annoys me:hehe: . If it comes down to it, I will buy a new card. I've searching, and I can't believe the selection of low profile GFX cards on the market!!!!

Also, I have found that OpenGL produces sharper textures, so I use it instead of DirectX.

@ GP_38-2: Just a reminder, I'm lookong for a half-height/low profile card at only 1 PCI slot, but those do look good, and I would ABSOLUTELY buy the HD 3850 (:udrool: ) if I could!!!!!
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Opps sorry my bad missed that part.
Anyways, if ATI labels a card with 3,4, or 6 your usually in for a slideshow, they're low priced, but they've also been stripped of any performance (in a relative sense).

Ok half height, single slot? Now there's a toughy
The X1600 Pro is actually a bit better than the HD2400 (wacky but hey whatever). nVidia's closest is the 8400 GS and ATI's pretty much smoke it.

I would recommend getting this one
cheaper, and once registered with Visiontek has a lifetime warrenty.

EDIT: please watch your tone, it's a fast way to make enemies. Again my bad I missed that part.
Looks good, I'll look into it :) .
Thanks for the help, that X1650 looks like it will do the job well

BTW, Sorry if I had a tone. I'll edit it out.
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