Occassional Visitor
This is probably a nugget question, but: Does anyone know where my new routes have gone? I upgraded on Sunday to TANE SP1 for Mac and launched into a 5 hour long process opening for edit one of my routes in the old version and downl;oad/uploading it to the new TA~NE for mac.
I was very pleased that it went so smoothly. The route appeared inside TANE and I opened and tested it without any issues. As expected, some content was missing but, having spent hundreds of hours creating it a couple of years ago, I'm happy to go through it a bit at a time and fix what's missing.
While it was downloading, I spent the 5 hours on the start of a new route. I'm trying to be more clever than I have in the past when creating big routes, so I paid a lot attention to doing all the right things. I was pleased with the 2 little yards I created and I went out for the night leaving 5 locos with a repeating schedule of shunting wagons between the yards.
I was absolutely delighted when I came home a few hours later to find not a single train had crashed or got stuck at a signal. I've never been that lucky before. Throughout the day I'd been saving it as First TANE route. Also I saved the route downloaded from the previous version, and I clearly remember seeing it in the new version (that's the only way I could have loaded and run it). However, next day they had both disappeared into the ether.
I know where to find the user folder on a mac, (library/containers/com.nv3... ) The trouble is that they're all named kuid123abc... or some similar name so I don't know which is which. Even if I did know, I wouldn't know how to get them loaded into TANE. Surely if they've been saved by TANE, it should be listing them among the other routes.
All suggestions are appreciated.
One final quickie . . . I haven't renewed my First Class ticket yet. Does anyone know if my download/upload of my old routes would be quicker with an FCT? The quoted data rate on Sunday was 8KB/Sec.
Ta very much JD
I was very pleased that it went so smoothly. The route appeared inside TANE and I opened and tested it without any issues. As expected, some content was missing but, having spent hundreds of hours creating it a couple of years ago, I'm happy to go through it a bit at a time and fix what's missing.
While it was downloading, I spent the 5 hours on the start of a new route. I'm trying to be more clever than I have in the past when creating big routes, so I paid a lot attention to doing all the right things. I was pleased with the 2 little yards I created and I went out for the night leaving 5 locos with a repeating schedule of shunting wagons between the yards.
I was absolutely delighted when I came home a few hours later to find not a single train had crashed or got stuck at a signal. I've never been that lucky before. Throughout the day I'd been saving it as First TANE route. Also I saved the route downloaded from the previous version, and I clearly remember seeing it in the new version (that's the only way I could have loaded and run it). However, next day they had both disappeared into the ether.
I know where to find the user folder on a mac, (library/containers/com.nv3... ) The trouble is that they're all named kuid123abc... or some similar name so I don't know which is which. Even if I did know, I wouldn't know how to get them loaded into TANE. Surely if they've been saved by TANE, it should be listing them among the other routes.
All suggestions are appreciated.
One final quickie . . . I haven't renewed my First Class ticket yet. Does anyone know if my download/upload of my old routes would be quicker with an FCT? The quoted data rate on Sunday was 8KB/Sec.
Ta very much JD