My new and downloaded routes have gone by next day on TANE for mac


Occassional Visitor
This is probably a nugget question, but: Does anyone know where my new routes have gone? I upgraded on Sunday to TANE SP1 for Mac and launched into a 5 hour long process opening for edit one of my routes in the old version and downl;oad/uploading it to the new TA~NE for mac.
I was very pleased that it went so smoothly. The route appeared inside TANE and I opened and tested it without any issues. As expected, some content was missing but, having spent hundreds of hours creating it a couple of years ago, I'm happy to go through it a bit at a time and fix what's missing.
While it was downloading, I spent the 5 hours on the start of a new route. I'm trying to be more clever than I have in the past when creating big routes, so I paid a lot attention to doing all the right things. I was pleased with the 2 little yards I created and I went out for the night leaving 5 locos with a repeating schedule of shunting wagons between the yards.
I was absolutely delighted when I came home a few hours later to find not a single train had crashed or got stuck at a signal. I've never been that lucky before. Throughout the day I'd been saving it as First TANE route. Also I saved the route downloaded from the previous version, and I clearly remember seeing it in the new version (that's the only way I could have loaded and run it). However, next day they had both disappeared into the ether.
I know where to find the user folder on a mac, (library/containers/com.nv3... ) The trouble is that they're all named kuid123abc... or some similar name so I don't know which is which. Even if I did know, I wouldn't know how to get them loaded into TANE. Surely if they've been saved by TANE, it should be listing them among the other routes.

All suggestions are appreciated.

One final quickie . . . I haven't renewed my First Class ticket yet. Does anyone know if my download/upload of my old routes would be quicker with an FCT? The quoted data rate on Sunday was 8KB/Sec.

Ta very much JD
Last things first, an FCT will give you a significantly higher data rate (I've seen 300+ KB/sec on a good day).

From the Tane launcher, select Settings; then the Install tab. Scroll to the right hand edge of the Local data folder box and you'll see the build number. If, in your user data folder, you have saved your routes under a different build (look for the one that was last updated yesterday or as appropriate) then change the Install tab prompt to point to that one.

Hope this helps.
Need clarification here? Are you referring to transferring routes from an old version to a new one, the terms uploading and downloading only apply to uploading to the internet or downloading from the internet. If you are not using the internet an FCT will have no relevance and if you have not uploaded the routes to the DLS (Internet) then a new install of TANE has no way of knowing they exist until you add them locally (no internet involved) from the old version.
Given the amount of data involved, transferring from one install to another depends on the capabilities of the computer or computers involved.
Thanks Clam/Malc and Vostrail/John. Apologies for takin a couple of days to answer you.

Firstly, the transfer of routes built in TS for Mac into the new TANE SP1 for Mac. I thought when I was doin it that everything was internal to my computer. To tranfer a route, I opened it for edit in the old version. I then dragged the old version folder onto the content manager of the new version and the process started. The right folder was easy to identify because it was just the name of the route. Then TANE's content manager looked the same as when it's downloading something from the Download Station showing 8 or 9 KB/Sec. So the transfer of one route took 5 and a half hours. Not a problem though... I just wondered if it had gone via the download station. I need to renew my First Class Ticket anyhow so I'll try it again just to see.
As far as uploadin the routes to the DLS, I had thought about that: IE upload them to DLS then download them again in the new version. However, nobody's likely to want my routes so I don't want to clog the system with extra stuff nobody wants.

Back to the transfer I did on Sunday. When it was almost done I could see my route from the old version among the routes that came with the new version. To make things clear I'll mention its name. The route is called "AyeMac".
This might be the point where I screwed things up. I started AyeMac and ran it although I didn'y think the download was complete. Much to my surprise it ran and most of the content was there. I was able to give couple/navigate/load instructions to several locos, and they did exactly what I said in the thing (even over bits of missing track in one case). I was very impressed.
During the long download I had created a small route of about 8 grids just to see what might be different in the new version. I ran a couple of bits of rolling stock on it and saved it as "first TANE route" and got the usual "do you want to overwrite prompts each time is was saved. That means TANE knew it was there at that time. I closed it after a while and that's when I opened the AyeMac route. I don't think I completely exited TANE at any time, but I did close AyeMac and reopen the new route. In the new route, I gave 5 locos a string of navigate/load type instruction and put a repeat in each schedule. I went out and came back a few hours later to find it still running without a hitch . . . worra successful day!!!

Next day I started TANE but neither of the above routes appeared on the list of routes. I hunted around the folders and, in the new version's folders, I don't see any folders with recognizable names like "AyeMac". I can still see folders with that name and others I recognise in the old TS for Mac folders.

Therein lies the mystery guys . . . fill yer boots with some problem solvin. I've been reluctant to waste 4 or 5 hours creatin somethin that just disappears next day. What I should do tonight is create somethin that only takes 10 minutes, run it and save it, then see if it's there tomorrow. Any other suggestions are very welcome.

Don't worry about the FCT thing . . . I need to buy another one anyway

thx for your suggestions so far, I'm not an expert so I appreciate the advice of those in the know . . . . JD
Ahh, if you are transfering a route, its better to transfer it's non builtin dependencies first, so save then to cdp you can save more than one item to a cdp but don't get too large! after that's done the route itself can be installed. If you install the route first then it will go looking for the dependencies from the DLS and start downloading them in which case an FCT speeds things up a lot.

Not sure what's gone wrong with the save issue, other than with TANE you have to watch which layer you are in when saving, you might find your New route is actually saved as a session in the original if you follow. I'd also first check that they are sitting in open for edit if they are revert them to original as they probably won't commit.
If not that try a database repair and see if that sorts it.
A lot of tips there Clam. I think I'll have to get a bit more knowledge of the content manager. I guess that's where I can save assets to CDP. I'm sure I can work all that out.

Your suggestion od a mixup between session and route layers is possible. I was messing around with the layers during the afternoon.

Thanks very much for your input. I'll post how it all goes....JD
OK here's what I did next .... I created a tiny wee route and saved it. I saved a session in Quick Drive then returned to surveyor where I saved another session with a different name.
I exited surveyor and there was my new route in the main menu. I clicked on the route and clicked to view sessions. My two session were there OK.
I closed trainz completely and logged straight back in. My new routes and sessions were no longer on the list.

I'm not sure what to check next.

My main interest is in creating routes: it's probably 90% of what I do in Trainz. However, there's no point in spending many hours creating routes if they're gone as soon as I log out.
I expect it's me who's missing a step or something, but I can't imagine what it is. It's certainly very different from all the previous versions of Trainz I've had for about the last 10-12 years.
I'm open to suggestions if anybody wants to have a go. More interestingly, has anyone else had the same issue?
Cheers JD
Beginning to look like a permissions issue? In which case you need to run TANE as administrator, right click run this program as administrator.

Also if editing the route or creating one make sure you are actually in the route layer and not session if in doubt merge session with route and then save.
The 'run as Administrator' won't apply to Mac Tane, but Malc's point about a permissions issue sounds right. From the Trainz launcher, go to Trainz Settings and then the Internet tab and make sure your credentials have all been recognised correctly. If not, you won't have a valid user name and hence would not be able to save your own content.
Thanks again guys. I am indeed logged in as myself with password. This version of Trainz won't let me get beyond the launcher unless I turn my WiFi on and log in every time I start it.

Here's what i tried last night that worked. I created a new route of 5 sections of track in a loop. I put a loco on it. I then saved it when the route layer was active. I made the session layer active and saved it again with a different name.

Then I exited surveyor and could see the routes and their sessions. Instead of closing trainz this time, (that's when they seem to disappear), I opened content manager and filtered for locally modified. I could see 2 routes and 2 sessions (none of the work I did yesterday or before was listed). I opened them for edit and then clicked submit edits. I then exited content manager then exited trainz. On reopening it they were there this time and I could open them.

Also, on pouring through all the folders inside com.nv3... I found a folder with the name of the route I transferred from the old version. It was inside one of the KUID123345/editing folders. Unfortunately it does not contain any map layers and other folders that the function routes have, and Trainz can't see it.

I'll keep experimenting and post the results, but I'm wondering if every 10 minutes while editing a route, I need to save/close it, open it for edit in content manager, submit the edits, close content manager, then go back in and carry on editing. Seems a bit of a nightmare palaver.

I'm mystified. I've gone back into Trainz about 7 hours after my last post and none of my routes are listed. Luckily I took screen shots this morning so that I could identify the KUID folders in the library. This morning's screenshot show the routes in the folders, the map layer files, etc. I've gone back into the same folders now and they're empty.
Does anyone think this could be a Mac thing?

I wonder if there's a way I can forward this thread to the Trainz people. I seem to remember they're not very interested in user comments.
It would probably be easier to give up and go back to TS Mac. Only problem is that other people might have the same issue.

I have not seen the issues you are encountering on my Mac Tane installation (on any build to date) so I don't believe it is a generic Mac Tane problem. I suggest you copy the link to this thread and attach it to a Helpdesk ticket (access the Helpdesk via the link at the top of the Forum page). Hopefully, someone will be able to get you sorted, although it won't be until after the weekend.

Just wondering if this thread might get more Mac users looking at it if it was moved to the TANE forum, I'm guessing there are not too many people looking at this part of the forum.

Haven't use a Mac for over 10 years now but could it be a user account issue as installed in one but being run from a different account? Not recommending this but tried running it as root or probably safer as sudo?

If it works then it's more than likely some sort of permissions issue? if you want to check, I'd see here
thanks again clam/malc and John/Vost. I haven't moved it to the TANE forum as you suggested Malc because I've raised a support ticket on the issue. I expect I'll hear something from the support guys next week.

One other thing worth mentioning is that I've discovered all the missing routes as well as some small temporary ones I created as experiments. The "editing" folders inside the KUID folders have emptied as I said before, but there's a "backup" folder in each KUID folder and all the missing stuff is there complete with original names. I haven't a clue how to get it into Trainz though. Hopefully support can tell me what's wrong.

I've thought about uninstalling and reinstall, then change the storage location in the settings. I don't want to interfere though until the support guys get a look at it.

If there's a solution I post it back to this thread for your info. I'm still expectin it's something dumb that I've done. It's too weird to be anythin else.

thx again . . . JD
If you drag an item from a backup folder into Content Manager, it should reinstall it. As you say, though, you may want to leave things as they are until Helpdesk has taken a look.

why don't you export to cdp? I'm doing some routes in Mac version 2012 and have exported them this way to TANE and they show up fine, ( they look like dried up dog poo in TANE, washed out and faint- why does TANE do that ? ) , but they are there at least and you would not have lost all your work . the same CDP process works in TANE as in mac 2012