My first Route/Session


New member
This is my first route/session. I started this map with TS2009 followed soon on TS2010 with a switch to Win7 in the middle.
The map is an imaginary place with names of real Colombian cities.

It has about 28 AI trainz running specific schedules.
There are two portals releasing trainz about every 5 minutes. There is a top limit of 50 trainz on the map ever. I have seen up to 38 trainz.

The track has been laid down as double parallel track.
I would point out to look into double junctions out of the main route. There are over 7 such crossings. I think each of those crossing is an improved version of the same kind I learn from such great tutorials at (Thanks Chuck!).

There is an annoying problem with this game: often a train stops in front of a junction with a green light and switch properly aligned to go. The View Details window says “waiting for access to junction xxxx…” after a long delay (5 minutes in game time) the train will eventually keep going, very bad. I have several dummy junctions before important crossings and it happens on either dummy or real junctions. This is something I will like to solve but I have my doubts. This problem does not appear when running fewer trainz.

The Industry Airport is a cloned version of Auran’s. The only difference is that I removed a piece of track between the gengoods depot and the fuels depot to make a branch to the passenger station. I still have to figure out how to remove a piece of fence.

I think that I modified, or better yet, corrected many of the assets I am using because they were faulty. A lot of work!

One problem with rolling stock that can load one of several products is that you can not control which product is loaded into while in Driver mode. An example is a tanker that accepts crude oil, diesel, aviation fuel and petro fuel. An AI train at a refinery will load apparently all three fuels evenly. If that train destination is a coal mine that only accepts diesel then you can see that the train is carrying some useless load. If another train is pulling out diesel your train may eventually be loaded with aviation and petro fuel only which are not accepted in the mine. The mine may eventually run out of diesel and stop producing coal. I have seen that situation. I resolved this problem by cloning one if the tankers into three versions, one for each fuel. Then I modified the queues to accept only one of the fuels and changed the name of the asset accordingly. The rest stays the same including the original author name and so on. In this way, I can create trainz with only diesel tankers and be sure that only diesel will be carried to the coal mine. Here I have a question: if when uploading my map I am asked to upload those cloned tankers made by someone else, can I do that? Because they would be under my base kuid. What a mess…

As you would see in my signature, I hire drivers and so was the goal of the map, a lot of AI trainz!

I have had a derailment once in a while apparently with the same train. I added a pop up message as a response to the derailment rule but I need to gather more info to see where and why it is happening. The popup message says “session terminates” which is not true I need to work on that.

As per scenery, you wouldn’t find anything exciting on this map. My first goal was to learn the game, learn to lay down track, stay within a maximum 1.20 gradient, all junctions perfectly laid (I mean all rails at the same level), learn to script the game, and lot of trainz.
The last thing was a yard, about in the center of the map and still disconnected from the rest of the track. I need to work on that.

I have ran the map for several hours with no traffic jams; sometimes I go to bed leaving the game running to see what I get in the morning, and yes, sometimes, a phenomenal traffic jam!

Finally, I decided to post my map to get your wise input and criticism, especially from those veteran players. There is a lot to learn and this could be the best way.


PD I am in the process of uploading the map and I will post when it is ready.
Some pictures:
Double track junction to Central Industries:
A train waiting on a dummy junction with no reason and having empty miles of track behind:
Apparently, the map is available now (I installed TS2009 to try downloading the map and I got an error or warning like "server busy, try later" :( )

My First Route
Last Updated: 5th Mar 2010
File Size: 4.35 MB
Downloaded: 128
TS2009 SP4/TS2010

My First Session
Last Updated: 5th Mar 2010
File Size: 67.76 kb
Downloaded: 50
TS2009 SP4/TS2010
I was able to download the map using TS2009. I see many errors like
"trainz-build 3.2" not accepted.
I am going to pretend I am a user with only TS2009 and cleanup all errors. Once I upload a new version I will post.​

In the meantime, please do not download it, it won't work.​


There are 29 missing assets:

Unknown Location: <kuid:107727:100016>
Unknown Location: <kuid:107727:100019>
Unknown Location: <kuid:107727:100026>
Unknown Location: <kuid:107727:100027>
Unknown Location: <kuid:107727:100039>
Unknown Location: <kuid:276266:1062>
Unknown Location: <kuid:478639:1012> done!
Unknown Location: <kuid:478639:1031> done!
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1039>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1076>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1091>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1092>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1093>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1094>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1099>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1100>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1101>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1112>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1132>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1139>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1161>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1169>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1197>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1204>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1205>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1206>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1212>
Unknown Location: <kuid:523:1350>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:82412:300112:1>

I upload two of them as shown above as "done!".
20 items look like <kuid:523:xxxx>. Are they Auran's new trees? maybe.
The remaining 7 assets are locos and box cars that can easily be replaced by existing ones.

Seems to me that the effort to make the map TS2009 compatible is not too hard. What do you think, is it worth?
What about the TS2010 Layers feature? would it interfere with the task of moving it back to TS2009?


The 523: items would most most likely be SpeedTrees, though there are other items in TS2010 by the same author.
I am postponing any attempt to move the map from TS2010 to TS2009 -- too much...

What I did was to install another TS2010 instance on my external hard drive, renamed my good TS2010 directory (just in case) and then download the map to this new location.

Downloadind was quite good (DLS has improved a lot with TS2010).

The two missing assets <kuid:478639:1012> cloned airport and a cloned loco <kuid:478639:1031> have been uploaded and are waiting for Auran approval.

I realized another missing asset: Portal Manager <kuid2:192081:14:1>. I don't remember where I got this from but it is a common asset most people are using anyways.

After importing the Portal Manager I couln't get back the configuration of the two portals I have on the map. I deleted the old entry, add a new instance of Portal Manager and configure new trainz.

All in all, 99% success uploading the map. I am going to create a new version once I get approved the two assets uploaded today.

I noted also that once the cloned airport is loaded it will be disconnected from all track points which is not a big deal to fix.

