Montreal, October 27 and 28, 2007

Just bumping up this message as this event is happening this coming weekend!

Russ Milland
Canadian Regional Trainz Coordinator
It is gonna be great

I'll have a huge banner (20*30 just ordered and saw it printed) and sent it to be plastified for the show. Man oh Man, it is drool worthy! You'll see Martin, you gonna like it. taken from the box art for TC itself thanks to the Brew Crew and Lance who provided me with high res images for it.

I'm still having problems running TC Harlem on Vista but I least I got CMP running so tonite I will take some other shots of the routes and have them plastified tomorrow to have on the table as well.

A little bird told me he will be dropping by at least fot a day, I can't believe that after all this years I'm finally gonna meet him in person.

If anyone is coming from out of town for both days and need a place to crash for saturday night please let me know now as I will make arrangement for he/she to have my daugthers bed for the night as long as you don't mind some girly decors!

Almost time ...

From the sounds of all the activity, we're going to have a great show.

For those who attended this show in previous years, you won't recognize the place. Due to external forces, the show had to be moved to a new room, where the N-gauger's used to be. The main HO layout is still there, still as massive and impressive as before. The kind of layout most people can only dream about. Unless you're a Trainzer, then you can build them as big as you want. :cool: :mop:

So when you visit, be sure to introduce yourself at the Trainz table. Looking forward to meeting everyone. :)
I'm sure with that huge 20 * 30 banner (against a wall), the trainz table won't be hard to find :eek:

Good luck on the show guys,
Dave, wishing he were in Montreal this weekend :wave:

Martin, do you know the date of next year's show? We're picking next year's holidays already.
The room is pretty small, hard to miss us. From what I saw of the preview map, when you enter the room, we're straight ahead against the opposite wall.

Next year will probably be around the same time. Might know details more during the show.
The show is usually the last weekend of October or 1st of november. But more often than not it is on the last of October.

Martin I will be arriving around nine with all the stuff missing so that will give us about 20mins to set the rest and 40 mins to play before starting. Drop me an email today with your cell number, I will try to call when I get outside cause I'm gonna need help unpacking everything.


Martin I will be arriving around nine with all the stuff missing so that will give us about 20mins to set the rest and 40 mins to play before starting. Drop me an email today with your cell number, I will try to call when I get outside cause I'm gonna need help unpacking everything.


You mean 20 minutes to set up and all day to play :udrool:
Actually, you would be better with smoke signals. Sorry, no cell, still a Luddite in that respect. I'll check outside around nine to see if you've arrived.

I got words that Monsieur Max will be with us at least for Saturday so that will be fun.
Might have to hide my rail driver :o Seem to remember someone a few years ago at a certain Toronto show who spend a lot of time on the RD :hehe:
My Train from ottawa leaves at 7:30 so say 9:30 roughly I get to Montreal and about 15 mins to walk to the hall.

Cheerio John
Might have to hide my rail driver :o Seem to remember someone a few years ago at a certain Toronto show who spend a lot of time on the RD :hehe:


I'm getting ready for tomorrow here... just got back to Sherbrooke from my week in Chicoutimi (Mid-session break, went to see my family).

Don't worry Martin... you will need to refresh my memory on how to play Trainz before I get onto the RailDriver... it's been a couple of busy years since I last played Trainz!! :o
that's it, that's all

Well, another TOTR has come and gone.

Saturday was rather quiet but considering all the rain we had that day, only the most enthusiastic railroad fan was out and about. On Sunday, the better weather brought more people to the show. By the time we wrapped up, there were 14 new Trainzers in the Montreal area. Hope to see them here soon.

After we setup on Saturday, John Whelan dropped by to show us his broad gauge route. Great to meet you John. Then just as I was getting my camera ready, you disappeared. Perhaps next time.

Meanwhile I had a long and pleasant chat with a Dutch trains fan who was passing through Montreal, going home from a trip out west. To paraphrase an old Honda slogan, you meet the nicest people with Trainz.

While admiring John's route, who should turn up, none other than MonsieurMax. We spent the rest of the day reminiscing about Trainz and generally catching up on news. A lot of ties have passed under the wheels since the Toronto TOTR in 2003.

On Sunday, RRTrain as well as LaPuce dropped by to say hello. Long time no see.

I would like to thank Samrec for all the help he provided so that we could have such a good show. If anyone ever gets approached to do a TOTR in their area, give a go. A great way to meet fellow Trainzers and make new ones too.

The local management indicated that they were thinking of hosting another show early in the spring so for those who could not make it this time or who want to repeat the experience, you might not have to wait until the fall of 2008.

some pictures


Monsieurmax, standing, watches as Samrec contemplates the screen.


Samrec's turn to watch.


Samrec and MartinvK
Thanks for the Pics

Greets from Sydney (no not New Brunswick) Aus

Thanks and Hi to Monsieurmax, Samrec and MartinvK in the fotos
Memo to self -- take camera to Wagga

Thanks for the summary and for the pictures Martin.

I was a fun show despite de rain, Max leaving after saturday and sudden dissapearance of the John. Specially after losing his narrow gauge route he was showing us on saturday due to some mislead procedures when installing one of the Trainz routes disk early on sunday.

This was by far the most eventfull TOTR I have been on. John coming from Ottawa to show his route in progress and to meet us, Lapuce showing on saturday (nice to see your knee is doing a lot better after a year), finally getting to meet Max after 4-6 years of online chatting,Lewis coming down too on sunday with his tech guy for a new Trainz PC and finally but not least ending the show with my car not starting.

I made it home 3 hrs later Martin. CAA came and found the problem, not only was the battery dead but because of that the Anti Theft system kicked in and not even with booster cables it will start, so the guy reach far down the dashboard and removed the fused and bingo!

Put the fuse back now in the morning and all is ok, takng the car batter to be replaced as it is only 4 months old.

And all in all, I had no regrets about this show. Nice to meet Max, John and see lapuce and Lewis again.
