Missing Dependencies, help required

Hi. I have downloaded the CNJ (central railroad of new jersey) steam locomotives and it comes up with missing dependencies. I have searched the DLS Here and in CMP and can't seem to find the dependencies. Anyone have these two steamers working? If not, know where i can find the dependencies (see KUID's below) I am from NJ and would love these locos. I Searched Central RR of New Jersey to get the 0-6-0's. It seams that all other 0-6-0's i get don't work either. The missing Kuids as copied from CMP:

Thanks in advance,

(p.s. i can take screens of the tender if nessecary)
Those assets that you are missing belong to KlausM unfortunately they were removed from the DLS and are no longer available.

Hi skiingiggy --

Those little 0-6-0 switchers are the work of the Devil to get working - as many have found, it is hellishly difficult to get them up and running.

However, once you do have all the dependencies for one, the task becomes much easier.

If you go here you can download all the assets needed by the UP variant:



Tell me if you are successful.

I can get TARL working by signing in, but it drops out as soon as I sign off.

I've sent Steve an email about the problem.
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Ok. I managed to find all of them ut i have one problem: The dependencie i am missing i believe has been found but it is PAYWARE! I'm going to see if i can get it but i don't plan on being very sucessful:( The UP version works fine though.....

Ok. I have tries and they are not payware, the database is wrong, and the files can't be found where it said they should be. Does anyone happen t have the Kuid that ends 54005? That is the only one i can't find. If not, can we at least get a replacement? I really want this locomotive....
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Hey skiingiggy --

It's not much use giving use the last string of digits; it's the bit before the : that defines the author of the asset!

My guess is that the first part is 43955. Correct? If so that is the kuid for Todd W. Hohlenkamp, also know to Trainzers as Prowler.

If you Google something like "prowler trainz" I'm sure that you will find his site.

I also suspect that the items you are looking for are a whistle and the chuff-chuff sounds. Prowler's are amongst the best, but you could also alias to others that you have installed already.

Best of luck,
Kuid:39730:54005 is obviously the hornsound kuid for the loco. The solution to your problem then is to use the horn sound from any other 0-6-0 that you like.

I have found prowlers site but the kuid wasn't there. I sent him an e-mail to see if i could get the kuid and am awaiting a response. If i can't get it i'll post here, and then someone could tell me how to fix the loco.

Ok. Prowler has gotten back to me and i have found the kuid. it can be found here:
www.steammachine.com/prowler under downloads. It is and it is the RGS #20. thanks guys! (p.s. it's now called san juan train works. Prowler has sorta had a name change. It's all on the homepage.
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