Missing built-in kuids


New member
I am trying to use the BR Class 08 (Blue or Green) but it seems that the bogeys -10:149 are missing, (the body is levitating above the track). Anyone know of other bogeys that might do the job or maybe someone can give me a copy of the missing ones ?

Thanks for any help
I am trying to use the BR Class 08 (Blue or Green) but it seems that the bogeys -10:149 are missing, (the body is levitating above the track). Anyone know of other bogeys that might do the job or maybe someone can give me a copy of the missing ones ?

Thanks for any help


What version of trainz are you using?

I am trying to use the BR Class 08 (Blue or Green) but it seems that the bogeys -10:149 are missing.
Yep, those are invisible bogeys from earlier versions of Trainz.
Are you using Trainz Classics by any chance?

Those bogeys were included in TRS2004 and TRs2006, so you'll need to find out if there is an equivalent invisible bogey in Trainz Classics if that one has been taken out.
I would imagine that there is an equivalent one in there.
Maybe Paul Hobbs can help.
He may have used a "classics" invisible bogey for his TC3 content.

If you have TRS2004 or TRS2006 then something screwy is going on, because you should have -10:149.

Also if ure using TC import the content over from 06 to TC.
Does TC allow you to import individual assets from past versions of Trainz?

I wouldn't want to import all that "bloatiness" from TRS2006 just for an invisible bogey.
Better off downloading one of the invisible bogeys off the DS and using that if it's not possible to just import the bogey.

Does TC allow you to import individual assets from past versions of Trainz?



Yes it does see below but its a very risky procedure for experienced users only, read my quote below from a another thread Merging TRS 2006 and Trainz Classics. Only the paintshed items from 06 come up white in TC.

and also read this thread Merging TRS 2006 and Trainz Classics: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=13863&page=3

For individual assets I suggest you do open for edit in 06's CMP then carry it over to TC's CMP then commit, most built-in-assets are locked if you do it that way.

This worked fine for us in the early stages of Beta testing, however we made a very early decision that this method was very risky and difficult and would not be supported and we should warn users that you do this at your own risk and run the risk of corrupting both your 06 and TC installation.

Experienced users only.


It has finally worked for me, I have all my built-in-content from TRS 2006 to Trainz Classics showing in TC's CMP with No faulty Errors and No Missing Dependencies.:D
8329 built-in-items showing in Trainz Classic's CMP

Credit goes to nicolaas1:)

As Alan Yeoman said this procedure is risky at the first page of this thread, only do it at your own risk.

Below are the steps I took:

One more thing I had no custom content installed when I was doing the process below:

First you need to export (open for edit) the modula
city session from TC and adapt tho kuid2 format meaning put a 2 after kuid and at the end add :1

Then you copy all the ja files from Trainz 2006 World Folder to TC's World Folder, do not copy Yardmaster.ja and Core.ja yet

Then copy Yardmaster.ja and Core.ja from TRS2006 world directory to the desktop & rename it to Yardmaster2006.ja and Core2006.ja and then copy Yardmaster2006.ja and Core2006.ja into the TC's world folder.

Then copy trainz.ja from TRS2006 directory to the desktop and rename it to trainz2006.ja and then copy trainz2006.ja back to the TC's main folder and TC's World folder.

Remove the assets.tdx file and start TC's content manager.

Everything from TRS2006 is now in TC.

Now import the modula city session back in TC and delete the assets.tdx file one more time.

Restart TC's cmp and the assets.tdx file will be re-built.
Now everything from TRS2006 should be in TC.

after the last step once CMP rebuilds database you should have 8328 built-in-items in TC




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So there's no "special" import function in Trainz Classics then?
The technique you mention has been around for an age, and I've used it many times over the years (like when I beta tested the Marias Pass version of Trainz, I used this method to install it into my other versions of Trainz, and that was years ago).

What I'm talking about is the ability to import JUST the invisible bogey, so that the original poster doesn't have to move everything over from TRS if he doesn't want to.

Just moving Ja files over and forcing Trainz to rebuild it's database by deleting the assets.tdx file is going to import everything in that Ja file, which isn't what I was talking about.

So, to the original poster, if you are using Trainz Classics, and you don't mind installing everything from TRS2004 or TRS2006, then use the usual technique of moving content between installations that Ahsan has mentioned above.
If, like me, you'd rather not have all that baggage carried over, then I would suggest downloading one of the invisible bogeys off the DS, and referencing it in the config.txt file of the Class 08 loco.
If you're not sure how to do that, let me know, but I'll need to know what version of Trainz you're using.

It's definitely worth all this effort for an 08 loco.
They still go past my house, and I saw one as recently as last week. :D

So there's no "special" import function in Trainz Classics then?



One other way is:

1. Open for Edit the built-in-asset in 06's CMP.
2. Close 06 CMP (leaving that asset open for edit)
3. Open TC CMP
4. In TC's CMP go to the main menu and select > File > Import Content > C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006\editing\....
5. Go to the open for edit TAB in TC's CMP Select the imported asset and right click > edit > commit asset.
6. Close TC's CMP
7. Open 06's CMP
8. Commit the asset you earlier left open for edit in step 1

Never tried this one before above.


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missing built-in kuids

Thanks to all for the replies.
I am using TRS2004, SP 4.
I am now using Win Vista after my XP PC crashed & after installing it on the new machine I was surprised to see that I no longer could see any built-in kuids as I had on the old PC.

I did some checks with TO & the Content Manager but neither of them showed the kuids in question.

I have 4 versions of this 08 shunter & the config file of each has differences. I tried swapping things around between the versions but it didn't help.

Thanks again to you all
Thanks to all for the replies.
I am using TRS2004, SP 4.
I am now using Win Vista after my XP PC crashed


Then the kuid is built in 04.:)

When you installed TRS2004 on your vista pc did you installed it as an administrator?


Hi Ahsan.
Yep, sounds like a good idea for getting individual built-in assets from TRS2006 (if people are prepared to run CMP 06) because it can access the Ja files.
Unfortunately, for those going from TRS2004 to TC, they can't access the assets in the Ja files, so wouldn't be able to import individual assets, which they'll just have to live with.

Alan, if you don't see that built-in kuid in TRS2004 then something is definitely wrong with your installation, because it should be in there (in fact, that particular invisible bogey was added to the original Trainz SP3 service pack, which pre-dates both TRS2004 and UTC, so something is screwed).

As Ahsan said, make sure that you have administration rights when installing TRS, and also make sure you have disabled your anti-virus program when installing (and patching) TRS.
These have been known to corrupt installations.

I would suggest:
  1. uninstalling TRS
  2. rebooting
  3. deleting any Auran folders that are left when rebooted
  4. use a registry cleaner if you have one, which will kill any registry entries referencing TRS (don't worry if you don't have a registry cleaner, as this may not be necessary anyway)
  5. disable your anti-virus program and install TRS2004.
  6. If you need to install any patches, restart after each install, disable virus progam again, and install patch.
As long as you've installed it as administrator in Vista, you should have a clean, working installation of TRS2004.

Don't forget to backup any content or trainzoptions.txt before you start.

Then go get those Shunters installed, and sort that yard out. :D

As Ahsan said, make sure that you have administration rights when installing TRS, and also make sure you have disabled your anti-virus program when installing (and patching) TRS.
These have been known to corrupt installations.

I would suggest:
  1. uninstalling TRS
  2. rebooting
  3. deleting any Auran folders that are left when rebooted
  4. use a registry cleaner if you have one, which will kill any registry entries referencing TRS (don't worry if you don't have a registry cleaner, as this may not be necessary anyway)
  5. disable your anti-virus program and install TRS2004.
  6. If you need to install any patches, restart after each install, disable virus progam again, and install patch.
As long as you've installed it as administrator in Vista, you should have a clean, working installation of TRS2004.

Don't forget to backup any content or trainzoptions.txt before you start.

Then go get those Shunters installed, and sort that yard out. :D


Hello Smiley

100% Good advice.:wave:

Smiley for you and me another one kuid -3:10049 > http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?p=294891&posted=1#post294891

Lets hope Merv0728 gets his TRS2004 sorted out soon.

Merv0728 Download and use CCleaner to clean up your registry after you uninstall TRS2004 then reboot PC run CCleaner one more time before you reinstall TRS2004 :http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/


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Missing kuids update & new problem

:( Thanks to all who replied with suggestions, sorry I haven't replied before but been fixing someone elses PC.

I found that the reason the 08 wouldn't show was that there was a replacement gronk bogey & when I put the original kuid back in it all worked.

I now have another problem, I am trying to use the andi06 Junction kit,the double slip & crossovers but the colored node markers don't show so I can't wire them up.I used them when I had the Win Xp PC with no problems.I have refreshed my mind with the tutorials but can't find any reason for the disappearance of the nodes.

Any Ideas ??