missing buildings


New member
i downloaded engine 2102 from download station.........tender and loco look great..but.....in 2010 game when i save...the next time i log on im missing a whole bunch of stuff....an entire forest vanished.....farms...buildings...crops..livestock all GONE.....a lot is still there but a few hours of work just vanished......WHY ??? i cant seem to find anything in content manager either......:(...and im still waiting for feedback from admins on why nothing shows up on station stop...i have done all recomended steps when registering all 3 games.....
Are you using Edit Route or Edit Session to load it back in after saving?


P.S. If you haven't already please register your version.
It might be quicker to contact N3V's Helpdesk regarding your registration issue. I would suggest using Edit Session rather than Edit Route though in order to avoid disappearing assets.
