Midwest Grain


New member

I just purchase the above route, but I'm getting the following missing asset.

Unknown Location: <kuid:106916:10422>
Unknown Location: <kuid:106916:10491>
Unknown Location: <kuid:127320:920012>
Unknown Location: <kuid:127320:920013>
Unknown Location: <kuid:127320:920023>
Unknown Location: <kuid:175455:100866>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100195>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100288>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100294>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100354>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100446>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100447>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100449>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100450>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100451>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100454>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100455>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100480>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100688>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1118>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1119>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1147>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1277>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1387>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1445>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1448>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:30671:9220710:2>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:45324:24407:1>

Where to I find them??

Ed Lewis

Go to the Download station and type in the first part of the KUID number and you can at least find out who made the items. Then you can PM them if they are from off site.


I just purchase the above route, but I'm getting the following missing asset.

Unknown Location: <kuid:106916:10422>
Unknown Location: <kuid:106916:10491>
Unknown Location: <kuid:127320:920012>
Unknown Location: <kuid:127320:920013>
Unknown Location: <kuid:127320:920023>
Unknown Location: <kuid:175455:100866>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100195>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100288>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100294>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100354>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100446>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100447>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100449>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100450>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100451>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100454>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100455>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100480>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:100688>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1118>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1119>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1147>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1277>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1387>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1445>
Unknown Location: <kuid:429786:1448>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:30671:9220710:2>
Unknown Location: <kuid2:45324:24407:1>

Where to I find them??

Ed Lewis


Make sure you downloaded the dependencies as well there's a number of them which go with the route and they should all be on the same page as the route download.
Are you trying to run Midwest Grain in T:ANE?
If so, many of those assets will not appear in T:ANE as Midwest Grain was made for only as high as TS12.
I just finished re-treeing Cold Creek Logistics (made for TS12) in T:ANE for that very reason; the tree assets are designed for TS12 and lower do not show up. There is a history there which we will NOT get into.

If you are running this route in T:ANE, better get out the shovel and start plantin':hehe:.

On ALL these routes are POFIG trees used.
Whish they had never done that.
They are useless in Tane.

I think I planted more than hundred thousand new trees now on this JR routes.
And the Grain route is sooooo big, needing sooooo many new trees.

They should make a tool that changes all the pofig trees to another sort.
Because they don't show up, I can't do a "Bulk Asset Replace".

But hey, the routes are OK, I like them all.
So I have to deal with this annoying tree thingy.

On ALL these routes are POFIG trees used.
Whish they had never done that.
They are useless in Tane.

I think I planted more than hundred thousand new trees now on this JR routes.
And the Grain route is sooooo big, needing sooooo many new trees.

They should make a tool that changes all the pofig trees to another sort.
Because they don't show up, I can't do a "Bulk Asset Replace".

But hey, the routes are OK, I like them all.
So I have to deal with this annoying tree thingy.


Way back when TANE was in development there was if I remember correctly supposed to be backwards compatability with TS12 in TANE, then all of a sudden guess what the trees aren't going to work......so we built things in TS12 in the mindset of the fact that things would in the future work. Sorry it sucks, we know, but this is the only option you have if you want to use this stuff in TANE. Unfortunately it was built for 12 and has not been revisited for TANE, nor doubt will be.
kuid:175455:100866 is missing after installing all the packs etc in TS12 any Idea guys where or what it might be Kuid index shows it in dependency pack 1 but I have installed that twice and still missing
Thanks guys
One way to replace the trees is to do your Bulk replace in TS12 with an item you know will show in Tane. I used mailboxes. Then move the route to Tane and Bulk replace those items with Trees. Can't remember who first suggested this but it was on the forum many months ago.
