I appreciate the responses, but I am a total newby to this. However I am a quick learner. At the moment I do not even know how to add an other base board. I can not even find that function or is it an actual object like scenery? Creating topography? Hmmm, sounds interesting but no clue how to do it yet. I made 2 routes in Railworks using SRTM data. I don't even know how to lay track in TANE yet. Been hacking config files for trainz the last 7 months and finally have a nice working fleet.
At any rate I sent an email off to get the Transdem program. I assume that is going to work in raising the elevation of the one route.
As for a helix, it would need a mountain to climb up. Not really what I am looking for, but I like what Phil Skene did with Trinity Bay and its helixes. Might give that a try when I figure out how add some baseboards.