Merge - Trackl of Merged Route Problem?


Well-known member
I merged Coal Country and an MSGSAPPER Maine route. After smoothing the interface and cleaning the connecting set of tracks running AI trains across to the "other route" works well. However, there is a problem. I tried to place a consist on the what was the Coal Country route and all I get is the dull "thump" sound and nothing is placed. Same with track marks, triggers, etc. There was a TANE track on the portion of the new route. Changed it (bulk) to the same as the other merged route - TRS19 Trk Jarrah 3 - Proceedural. Same problem. If I can't solve it I could run several trains from the old Msgsapper route to Coal Country and leave them there to "seed" the Coal Country route with locomotives and cars/wagons.

This makes a fairly long route but FPS it does not suffer despite heavy vegetation using mostly Ultra and SAM trees /30FPS.