Making route does not work with vista


New member
Hello, when ever i try to build a route for TRS and save it, the rout disipers, iits all fine untill i ext TRS, and the next time i open TRS my rout isnt ther, any ideas on how im gone fix it ?
It won't appear in driver unless you create a session for it. Vista has been known to be a little inhostile to TRS anyway =.=
Before you do that, right-click on Trainz and select "Run as Administrator" from the pop-up list. Try creating a simple route, save it and close out of Trains. Open Trainz back up and see if your route is still there.
You've followed the instructions on "run as administrator" in this post here? Possibly you don't have permission to save a file.
runing it as an administaitor works, but it becomes werry unstaible when you do somthing it shuts down 3/4 times