Mac Users


Crazy Train Engineer
Maybe here.. Maybe Trainz Mac forum here. Not sure? New member.. again.. and 1st post.
Running Trainz 22+ v126293 on my MacBook Pro w/M3 chip and 8gb RAM. Running Mac OS 15 - Sequoia Beta 4 w everything maxed out except Shader Quality - Standard and Detail Scenery - Off.
Everything has been exceptionally smooth so far and I love the fact I can run the latest Mac OS Beta along with the latest Trainz+ Beta and all is good. Trainz is simple to deal with and manipulate files with them all, except the app file obviously, being in an easy to find Data folder. Since Trainz works so well with me running the latest Mac and Trainz betas on a new MacBook Pro, I call it future proofing Trainz for Mac. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth.
Glad to be here again as it been 4yrs since I last used Trainz.
There is a few of us Mac people on here. Keep in mind, some routes are more demanding and will reduce the FPS. Depends on the number and how demanding each asset is.
Perhaps a report on how the stock Kickstarter Country 2 route plays on your set up would be a good reference.
Just curious as to what your battery estimates are, I have an M1 Pro machine and even with sliders around the middle (but overall on the lower side) Activity Monitor says I have roughly 8-9 hours left on a full charge. When I'm not running Trainz I get the full 20 my laptop was advertised for
Perhaps a report on how the stock Kickstarter Country 2 route plays on your set up would be a good reference.
Was looking at that today in regards to the Trainz AI feature. Having to relearn and learn new features on Trainz again after a 4yr hiatus. Next on my Trainz list.
Just curious as to what your battery estimates are, I have an M1 Pro machine and even with sliders around the middle (but overall on the lower side) Activity Monitor says I have roughly 8-9 hours left on a full charge. When I'm not running Trainz I get the full 20 my laptop was advertised for
Valid point. I am running betas for Trainz and Mac OS so testing various things that obviously make the greatest hit on the battery yet allow the best functionality, speed and stability. Even took Avira off for a bit and have added it back with no file/folder exclusions allowed and all is well.