Lost Password

I reinstalled TS12 after a period away from it and couldnt find my old password. I tried to reset it and that did not work. I then made this new account so I could submit a ticket. I was told that my old account was linked to an e-mail address that I do not have access to anymore. I provided my TS12 serial number, my name, and e-mail address.
I was then told that my name did not match the account yet I paid with my own Visa Debit card that obviously has my name on it. There is no way on earth that the Debit card would not have my name on it so I would have thought updating my account would have been easy.

I cannot gain access to the download station due to this and I need to install dependencies for my old user created routes and sessions. Is there any other way of getting what I need? If N3V Games do not update my account I will not buy any future Trainz games and will be looking into contacting Trading Standards or the equivalent in Australia.

My faith in buying over the internet is gradually eroding due to issues like this. :(
You should always write down your UN, PW, EMail on a piece of masking tape on the disc box ... you can only change your ID's once, and that is a is hard to get N3V to do for you, and takes 1 on 1 personal attention

Using your ISP Provider as an EMail address is a bad idea ... what if you move, and change ISP Providers ... Din't you think your old EMail address would be unreachable ?
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If you can provide them with the date of your purchase, the visa account number you paid with & your user name, I would have thought they would be able to re-set your email & password without any bother.
They have done it for others.

Unless they are so skint they want to extract more cash from their customers.
You should always write down your UN, PW, EMail on a piece of masking tape on the disc box ... you can only change your ID's once, and that is a is hard to get N3V to do for you, and takes 1 on 1 personal attention

Using your ISP Provider as an EMail address is a bad idea ... what if you move, and change ISP Providers ... Din't you think your old EMail address would be unreachable ?

I never said I used my ISP e-mail address. I did have it written down but it has somehow been lost. Regardless of that, I paid for TS12 with a debit card and I am entitled to use all features of the software. I have given them information relating to my old account but they seem to be behaving awkwardly. I am a paying customer and expect the matter to be resolved. I should not have to resort to moaning on the forums but what else can I do? Buying online is great until things go wrong.
I must add that they are asking me for things I have no access to anymore such as the serial of my Ultimate Trainz Collection. I threw that disc away when I bought TS12.

I have just updated my support ticket by offering to send a photograph of some identification with my name and address on. My name and address is exactly the same as when I bought TS12 so I cannot see a problem with updating my account. If they refuse to accept that then something is not right. I trusted this company with my debit card details and I would expect them to try and help me sort out this issue instead of obstructing me.

Do the developers even read this forum? If I am left out of pocket with a game that is restricted then that is me finished with Trainz.
They do read the forum but they are also required to be certain that they are dealing with the right details in order to comply with the laws over in Australia.

Thanks folks. I understand that they need to make sure that I am the correct account holder but the frustrating thing is they are asking for things that are old, out of date and inaccessible. My ID will tally up with the name and address on the account so hopefully they will accept that. If they dont it seems ludicrous.